Fuck. Ryan Reynolds is reallllllyyy reaaalyy reallly hot. Wow. So any ways, I got all four of my cameras developed and it turns out that the one with the school year, non UB pics didn't have that many Crucible pictures. But the pictures that I do have are soooooo soooo cute!!! they are mostly of brinny and josh and faith... Tee Hee! here... I'll try and post them...
AWWWWW!!! THEY ARE SOOO CUTE!! I luv em' to bits. Yeah. So I'm gonna post my journals from UB... Here goes...
Depressive Rant- 7/18/05
Everything is so different. I can't describe. No Poems. Can't write a song. I just don't think what she is doing is right. I don't want to be involved. But I also don't want to be excluded. I'm starving. Secluded. I want that feeling back. I want them back. I want him back. But I still just wish I didn't want him. I'm sick of this feeling. I wish she would call. I'm still really hungry. I feel like I have been parted. I should go visit her. I miss them soooo bad. I wanna go home and have them over like old times. Just lay in my bed for hours. I want my dvd player so I can watch Garden State. I have to save my money so I can get a guitar.
My Non-Esistent Bedtime Rant... A Story Of Sorts... 7/19/05
Ok. So there is absolutely no point to this... writing. It's not a journal type entry, or a story or poem. I guest it is just insomnia, doing it's job. It is now 12:16AM and I kind of want to sleep, but last night I had a really rough time. I haven't been sleeping very well lately. I'm listening to Coldplay right now, and I just noticed that there are a ton of eraser shavings around. It's a full moon tonight, so I kind of wanna stay up allnight and write storys about werewolves and vampires. I just painted my nails the sweetest shade of orange, and it took me at least 30 seconds just to think of a good word to descrive the color with. So, It's wierd that I am writing this down on paper... but, uh... well I think Joey R.C. is one of the coolest guys on earth. I'm like, 95% sure we're soul mates. It started out as a little crush, but now... I kind of can't stop thinking about him. I love his hair. I've always wanted a guy with a messy pfoe hawk (is that how you spell it?). So like, I dunno. I think his laugh is adorable. And I always wanna keep making him laugh. I just wish he felt the same. But sometimes I don't care if he does, and other times I care more than anything. It's so wierd. But guess what? I have pictures of him in his "translucent" boxers at Cam Pazon. Yeah, he just took a dip in his boxers. In front of me. *drool* I need some serious clown care. BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THAT SUBJECT. It's 12:32 now, and I just changed from Coldplay's album Parachutes to their other one A Rush of Blood to the Head. My eyes are really dry and heavy now. I can tell I'm tired. My fingers and arm hurt fom writing. I have to wash my face and brush my teeth. I can't really thing of anything more to write. But I can't stop. I dont know why. I am finding a lot of security in this dull pencil and messy journal. Hold on, I need to sharpen said pencil. Nice. So... Christina is acting like no one knows/cares about her. It makes me both sad + annoyed. She is so self concious. She'll be better next summer, I think. But I think she just doesn't realize that all this year's freshmen are having a hard time at UB. Examples? OK: Ron, Alice, Christina, Etc. Everyone has problems. So it sucks tht I lost my duffel bag. It had all my clothes, 2 pairs of shoes, my swimsuit, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, my glasses. They cost $150. That's more than the guitar I want. I'm 200% positive I put it on the bus, so I think someone stole it. I guess I'll just keep asking around. I miss Brinnny, Faith, + Joshypoo. I think I'm gonna have to get a job at the Food Zoo after UB is done, for a few weeks to get enough money for the aforementioned guitar. I figure that if I buy it, an spend $130 on it, I won't let it get dusty, I will learn how to play that thing really really well. Hmmm... I think I'll go to bed now. Considering it's 12:51. Night!
Flying on a Wednesday 7/20/05
S right now I am at the Museum of Mountain Flying. Actually, I have no Idea what the name of this place is. But I went flying in a little red ariplane, and it was awesome. Missoula is beautiful today. And there is a peace sign on the hill where the actual peace sign used to be. I still miss Brinny poo and Faithy poo and Joshy poo. I went to the back area of the museum here, and saw this little poster about the Korean war, so I picked up a couple. I'm gonna send one to Brinny and Josh, with Kim Jong Ir drawings on it. Yeah. My eyes are itchy and therefore, watering. And the thought of me even looking like I've been crying makes me want to. I just can't stop thinking about him. YouKNOw. The Guy here Ilike. He's adorable, and everytime I talk to him, it makes me want him even more. I'm really hungry. I skipped breakfast, and didn't even shower. Yuck. I was really tired. I'm listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers now. It makes me think of Brinny real bad. Because she loves Ken, and he likes this band. I keep sharpening my pencil on the pavement. Yeah, sure. Ashley (the councelor) is really cool. So is Sapphire. I think they are more thake me than any of the other councelors. I wonder what time it is...Dude. LaRUE kind of gets around, doesn't she? So far today, these are the guys I've seen her flirt with today:Josh, Joey, Neal, and someone else, but I can't remember who. It's not even noon yet. Wow. I think I better go be social now.
Ok, the next one is really long, so I'll try and post it tommorow.. My mom is gonna be home soon, soooo.... bye!!!
love me dearly and forever, RNJ