Oh Fuck

Mar 02, 2005 23:28

Sshhhiiiiitt. I didn't think...Damnit.

Now I'm just going to have to wait it out.

You know that feeling when you just did something you shouldn't have (like getting high to while trying to write a history paper) and now you have to suffer the consequences? (like having to wait it out for the head to clear a bit and maybe not go to sleep, because it can't be written tomorrow, I have to be up by 8 and out the door by 9 and in class from 10 to 2:45 and no time to finish this paper and no proper place to finish it anyways and I'm just basically retarded.)

So I'm basically just retarded. But oh well. This is part of the reason I'll be so happy to be out of school. I don't want to be expected to write stupid papers like this every 2 or 3 weeks, I want to write about what I want to write about. This is the reason I don't know what I want to do with my life - because I'm constantly bombarded by random, pointless, and more or less useless information when I just want to learn about exactly what I want to know.

This is really a stupid paper. You learn everything from history, but our future history learns nothing from history. Everything just repeats itself. Sure things have gotten better, but we still have our bad leaders, stupid decisions, and the easiness of repeating the past. It's a bit inevitable to expect much of the human race. I mean, we are HUMAN, and we can be douchebags sometimes. Being nice is harder than being a bitch, which is weird because it's harder to frown than to smile. Hehee.

It's also weird that I suddenly got all political or whatever and I'm stoned. I NEVER talk about that kind of stuff. But at least it shows I am thinking about my paper a little bit, even if it's not really the subject of my paper. Then again, my paper is on history, so it was on subject.

And now I'm rambling and I've written so much! I was just thinking how funny it was that all of my housemates have LiveJournal. Not like it's relevant to anything, I just had to say it.

Yay for Weed! Boo for History.
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