Hoee... Looks like people in this city also celebrate Halloween. Everyone is talking about it...
Yuuko-san has invited me to go trick-or-treating with everyone, and she's planning a big party for the entire city, too. Clow-san is helping her with the food, and he's also teaching me how to make sweets in his spare time. I think I'm getting the hang
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Are you scared of ghosts, Sakura-chan?
Um... hai... It's all onii-chan's fault ;__;!
I can see him doing that. Why?
Well, when I was little, he kept telling me things about ghosts being everywhere... He can... see and talk to them...
Oh. Don't worry; most of them are very nice. My Touya couldn't do that. Only Yukito-san and I.
((ooc: rofl they should change costumes. 8D TRC!Sakura as a cardcaptor and CCS!Sakura as a princess.))
T-they are? I don't know... I'm really scared of things I can't understand, and I definitely can't understand what ghosts are... @.@;
[ooc: THAT IS A GREAT IDEA AND THEY TOTALLY SHOULD! 8D AND ZOMG, IT'S SO HITSUZEN! According to TRC 170's spoilers, the splashpage will be either Syao and Sakura cosplaying as their CCS counterparts, or the actual CCS!Sakura and CCS!Syaoran! o__o]
They're nothing to worry about. ^^ The mean ones don't bother you unless you attract them.
((ooc: =OO Really?))
Hoee... And how do you attract them? o.o;
[ooc: Yeeees. I read about it just before I logged in. xD]
It's in the person's blood. Don't worry; you don't seem to attract them. ^^
((ooc: ooh~~))
But... If it's in a person's blood, does that mean it's a family thing? Onii-chan can seen them, so maybe... Maybe I... Hoooeee~!
[ooc: I knooow. And now all the R!Syao = CCS!Syao theories are floating all around again...]
No, it's not like that I don't think. Please don't worry, Sakura-chan. ^^;
((ooc: ah... i haven't been able to read the recent TRC chapters because the ones i've found don't come in a file my computer supports. D=))
Though maybe... Maybe this way I could see okaa-san...
[ooc: Oh, you can find online scanlations here and also at One Manga. They're both pretty up-to-date. ^^]
((ooc: =D Thank you~~))
Nee, I should help Sakura-chan with her costume, too!
[ooc: Anytime~ ♥]
You don't have to... I wouldn't want to be a bother.
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