Aug 05, 2006 18:29
oh what a delightful evening in d born
coz and i were actually on time...and its always good to see the mercy gang
so we walked around...did the ride thing...i went on a scary ride and closed my eyes on it because i cant take that kinda stuff
then as we were leaving....some band was playing the proud to be an american song....which i promptly transformed into GOD BLESS OUR OWN COACH K...oh that was good
had coz collapsed on the ground with laughter
then we threw him in the back of jordans rav 4 and drove to evies
jordan bailed out on us...then we went to kelly's friend's house who was having a kegger
apparently the cops came...but coz and i didnt care because we werent drinking
he was sleeping most of the time anyway
so we just chilled on the couch while everyone scurried about
we were rocking the cherry pepsi.....just like frank the tank
and i was "loud" as usual....with my sportscenter commentary
i love being that way
and i get to keep my keys and remember what happened the night before
kelly was smashed...which was funny
i left the area around i got back up to state around 3:45
oh time flies when youre having fun
good times good times
i really think i should be quagmire for halloween....i can do his laugh perfectly...and i am very hormonally driven sometimes
and i can forget the o in country from time to time
whatever that means
craig monroe is a BAMF
someones gonna find out how huge my mouth is
boo ya
tigers rap coming soon