Dec 14, 2005 16:01
Based on the ppl i have talked to, Wednesday 21st seems to be a good day so far to have it. Two ppl have finals this fri and mon and so that gives them time to recover from that. I know some ppl work during the week so i was thinking it would start at say 3:00 - w/e that way ppl can come when they get off work or before they go to work or when they crawl out of bed or w/e. I know Kim A has to leave when it starts getting dark so that gives her time to chill for a while. I will be cooking so food will be provided but i need to know HOW many are coming so i have enough. I am making a fruit pizza for sure and home made mild and hot cheesedip for when we watch movies or w/e. I havent decided the main meal yet, depends on who comes and how many. I will have tons of junk food also. (Any suggestion for main meal list below)
I was thinking to start off, the ppl that came we would watch a few "movies" or w/e to wait for everyone to get here . (The Invader Zim and Futurama Christams episodes are definate :D )
When everyone or the majority of ppl are here we can open any presents that we have. (Remember you are NOT required to bring any presents but i know i have some for ppl that i havent been able to track down, Kim A already got her present from me)
There will be picturing taking because i am into scrapbooking now so be warned :)
Any thoughts, suggestions, concerns please let me know