kind of a Vauge quote.. but if you can tell me what its from? then you win a prize!
I have decided that i need to get more active in my Livejournal. I need a Niche... a catch... something to hook my attention with it so i update regularly. What i have come up with is this....
I will profile asshats on LJ. Everyone likes a little asshatery occasionally. So ill hunt them out, or even take tips and hints from the "studio audience" and we will profile them here on my LJ
First up is
badp This guy is a bible thumper to the extream... i have many religious friends but this one takes the cake. He has fun bashing, Slandering and just all in all bad mouthing everyone he can (especially Homosexuals) I was surprised to see only a few flaming comments on his LJ so hopefully your lust for a little LJ drama will take over and youll give this gu a peice of your mind. Sometimes it amazes me how ignorant people can really be.
well i hope this catches on... watch for more updates, and comment to me if you like or hate the idea. I am always open to suggestions.