Oct 18, 2007 21:22
I should apologize in advance for acting so strange... so I will. I'm sorry! *bows head and laughs* I just felt like I should write this somewhere... I was reading Hikago, and Hikaru was heading to his match with whatshisname 7-dan, and saw Touya sitting and ready for his own game on his way into the room. And Touya looked so calm and focused, and his hair looked so neat... I had an instant mental picture of Hikaru kissing up on the top of his head and saying 'good luck'. Not from any shounen-ai type thoughts or anything, but just because that's what I would do. >.>;;;; I like kissing the top of people's heads when they have nice hair, it feels comfortable and loving... Many of you may be shaking your heads, but at least I know that Nessa totally gets it! (Right!? Please say you do! *laughs*)