On to volume four! I am extremely delayed in getting this post up, so I owe a huge apology to usomitai and anyone else keeping track of the reread. BUT I'VE FINALLY FINISHED TYPING IT UP NOW.
I AM A PSYCHIC GENIUS. ...Or, I have a good memory. The Kyou-Momiji, Yuki-Haru parallel is something I picked up on even while the series was running.
I noticed it occasionally, but not most of the time! As in, it was something that I sort of realized while reading the series, but never really honed in upon it. If that makes any sense.
Akito is FUCKING SCARY in this volume. *shudders* I really miss that about her!
She is. And it's not so much that she isn't creepy in the later volumes -- it's that her sharp edges are downplayed in contrast to Ren (and perhaps even Shigure). Because she's not the only one pulling the strings, and that becomes more and more apparent as the series goes on.
Like you say, it's not that we're meant to hate her, but her attitude doesn't reflect what we like to think of prevalent mother instinct, that is, moms love their children unconditionally.
Yeah, I think that's it. It's also that she rejected Momiji, of all people, who has not a single malicious bone in his body. See, with Kana and Hatori, theirs was a relationship of equals. And while it's sad, even tragic, that they never worked out, their dynamic was different because they both drew comfort from each other. In contrast, a child is initially dependent on their mother. And as a result of that, Momiji's loss is even more keenly felt, I think.
Why would I have more to say about Ayame's character springing forth fully fleshed out?
You know, like from the pages, a tiny Ayame marshaling forth in his shiny red and gold clothing. XD
Actually, I meant that I thought you would have more to say about Ayame's introduction than me. But it looked incredibly weird to put a heartmark right after an asterisk. (see? you're a psychic genius! you're supposed to figure these things out!)
Regarding his eccentricity, what do you think of his making tea for only three people? Takaya mentioned that in the fanbook, and something about it struck me as incredibly cute.
I was looking around for a link, but there doesn't seem to be one anywhere. :P Anyway, Takaya mentioned that he will make tea for only three people. Hatori is one of them, and the other two aren't mentioned, but I'd guess that they're Akito and Mine -- since I think Takaya also mentioned that even if he made tea for Yuki, it'd "be a waste."
I noticed it occasionally, but not most of the time! As in, it was something that I sort of realized while reading the series, but never really honed in upon it. If that makes any sense.
Akito is FUCKING SCARY in this volume. *shudders* I really miss that about her!
She is. And it's not so much that she isn't creepy in the later volumes -- it's that her sharp edges are downplayed in contrast to Ren (and perhaps even Shigure). Because she's not the only one pulling the strings, and that becomes more and more apparent as the series goes on.
Like you say, it's not that we're meant to hate her, but her attitude doesn't reflect what we like to think of prevalent mother instinct, that is, moms love their children unconditionally.
Yeah, I think that's it. It's also that she rejected Momiji, of all people, who has not a single malicious bone in his body. See, with Kana and Hatori, theirs was a relationship of equals. And while it's sad, even tragic, that they never worked out, their dynamic was different because they both drew comfort from each other. In contrast, a child is initially dependent on their mother. And as a result of that, Momiji's loss is even more keenly felt, I think.
Why would I have more to say about Ayame's character springing forth fully fleshed out?
You know, like from the pages, a tiny Ayame marshaling forth in his shiny red and gold clothing. XD
Actually, I meant that I thought you would have more to say about Ayame's introduction than me. But it looked incredibly weird to put a heartmark right after an asterisk. (see? you're a psychic genius! you're supposed to figure these things out!)
Regarding his eccentricity, what do you think of his making tea for only three people? Takaya mentioned that in the fanbook, and something about it struck me as incredibly cute.
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Yeah, that would be good idea. :D Unless you have any other thoughts to add for this volume.
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