drink me like a liquor come on and dip your dipper;

Jun 06, 2009 04:10

"There are legends of him in which, like Osiris, he is dismembered and
reborn; and prophecies connecting him, like the Green Man, with the end of time. He is
the voice of inspiration to the aspirant and committed artist. His spirit can come as
the gleam on a blade of grass, but more often as an inner mood. The sign of his
presence is the ability to work or experience with tireless enthusiasm beyond one's normal capacities."
- William Anderson

This is an open action thread for Robin Goodfellow. Pre-arranged threads can go here, as well as action threads that aren't pre-arranged
which can occur while Robin is drinking at The Lux, or less often the Blue Light; either way, he is somewhere in your city drinking,
and he wants to talk to you. Threads can also occur at Hinode Dojo, where Robin teaches various self-defense and
western martial arts classes on a regular basis as a means of living.

Feel free to start a random thread here at any time you would like to!

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