(no subject)

Oct 10, 2004 20:40

Well, look at that. I'm shocked that a confusing ballot has already surfaced. And in a swing state! SHOCKED.

If y'all haven't already seen it, check out the Michigan absentee ballot. Look particularly closely at the arrows for the Presidential tickets. If you choose the one pointing directly at "Kerry/Edwards," it's the top arrow, which is apparently the "Bush/Cheney" arrow, as they've all been offset down a notch. But only the presidential race arrows have been effected.

This was passed along to me by a fellow law student. She suggested we register our disbelief and anger with the company that printed the ballot: Miller Consultations & Elections, Inc., 231-869-4349.

From Brad Wittman in the Michigan Secretary of State's office:

The ballot printing error is confined to a single precinct in the City of Alma. Approximately 69 ballots containing the error were released to voters on Monday, September 27. On Tuesday, September 28, a voter called the clerk to alert her to the error. Arrangements have been made to send the 69 voters replacement ballots. The clerk expects to receive corrected ballots on Monday, October 4.

In the meantime, a voter who received one of the misprinted ballots posted a scan of the ballot on the web. This has created far more interest (an outrage) than what is warranted.

Yes, God forbid we be outraged at BLATANT BALLOT ERRORS. Fucker.
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