See what I get for all but dropping out of a fandom? The
GCCA nominations are out.
Congrats to all the nominees, including my lovely friends,
dianora2, and
christinekh, who pointed out the whole thing to me in the first place. :)
What's amusing? I haven't posted *anything* that qualifies, half of Jo's nominated stories are, of course, listed as "Jo&Ryo," and -- by far the most amusing -- in the individual author categories (i.e. "Best Drama Author"), we're nominated in a glomp as "Jo&Ryo." Just like that. No spaces in the name. ::shakes head::
I so very much appreciate all the people who still even remember us in that fandom and would nominate us. I, however, and going to withdraw my name from consideration, since I was improperly nominated in the first place. :)