kristenk2 linked to this, and it made me so infuriated that I had to pass it along.
Y'all remember Joe Wilson's wife, an active CIA agent who was outed by Robert Novak in the freakin' press, allegedly in retaliation for Wilson's report casting doubt on the Bushies' "yellowcake from Niger!" story? Sadly, Novak didn't commit a federal crime by printing her name, but whoever gave him the information did, and there's an ongoing investigation. Novak is standing on principle (::snort::) and refusing to reveal his sources, claiming First Amendment privileges.
Then there are these allegedly fake documents re: Bush's National Guard service that aired on CBS the other night. Dan Rather is refusing to reveal where he got the documents, even now that they're maybe not real.
Novak goes on TV and
says this:
"I'd like CBS, at this point, to say where they got these documents from. They didn't get them from a CIA agent. I don't believe there was any laws involved. I don't think we'll have a special prosecutor, if they tell. I think they should say where they got these documents because I thought it was a very poor job of reporting by CBS ...."
Fellow panelist, Al Hunt, from the Wall Street Journal, then replied: "Robert Novak, you're saying CBS should reveal its source?"
The transcript continues:
HUNT: You do? You think reporters ought to reveal sources?
NOVAK: No, no. Wait a minute.
HUNT: I'm just asking.
NOVAK: I'm just saying in that case.
NOVAK: I think -- I think it's very important. If this is a phony document, the American -- the people should know about it.
HUNT: So in some cases, reporters ought to reveal sources.
HUNT: But not in all cases.
NOVAK: That's right.
Man, I fucking *hate* that little prick!