Player Information
Name: Mori
ritzablitzContact: forestofsleep (AIM, Plurk)
Current character(s): N/A
Character Information
Name: Cielo [Wind]
Age: 2578, looks around 12-13
Canon: Original Character
Timeline: End of history section
Affiliation: Trainer
Starter(s): Drifloon
History: Once upon a time, there was a very bored all-powerful being who made a world. Finding that this new world was a little too quiet, it made humans to populate it, then proceeded to sit back and watch. Because belief works in strange ways here, the gods that the humans worshipped eventually came into existence. Bluntly put, they were the world's maintenance crew - they kept things running the way they should, as long as people continued to believe in them. Which is a good thing when people seem to have this thing for endangering the world or some other Very Important Thing, mostly by accident (not that the gods were any better, either).
Of course, when you hang around humanity long enough it starts rubbing off on you, and the gods ended up being ridiculously human over time. And despite ultimately having a common purpose, they didn't always get along, much like a loosely related dysfunctional extended family. Occasionally, this meant death.
Cielo’s story began with the death of the first Wind, who got killed in a rather unfortunate manner. In simple terms, he was her replacement. Having been “born” during a time when most of the deities were too busy or simply did not want to deal with a young godling, he was more or less shoved onto Oswald, who was War. Oswald had only recently recovered from a near-death experience, he had a massive backlog of work to catch up on, and he was already mentoring another godling, but everyone figured he had the time to spare (read: he was their buttmonkey).
Cielo bonded quickly with Oswald and his fellow young god, Esta. This may be because the former had a soft spot for children and the latter was sort of related to him as a lightning goddess, but soon enough he was calling them “papa” and “sis”, and they started to think themselves as more of an actual family. His “childhood” was filled with days of travelling and watching Oswald work as they learnt the ropes of godhood and the world. Which meant they got to witness a lot of violence and death, albeit from a nice good distance because Oswald wasn’t that stupid.
Needless to say, Cielo had a very special childhood.
Growing up constantly on the move with a war god who loved life and a lightning goddess who ended up falling in love with science (and people, because what was science without test subjects?), Cielo too fell in love -- with humanity. From the first day he made friends with a group of village kids during one of their stops, Cielo decided, childishly, that this must have been what his father meant when he said that world was wonderful. There was no real logic behind it, other than it had made him happy, and that was all the reason he needed.
It wasn't anything worrying, at first. But Oswald was actually ahead of schedule for once and arrived a few years too early; they actually had to live in town for the time being. So Cielo made friends with the local children...and got horribly, horribly attached to them. This being the first time he had a chance to actually get attached to someone who wasn’t his father or sister, he did not really have any idea how he was supposed to deal with it. He got clingy and easily provoked into jealousy, and they were growing up while he wasn't -- which then lead to him killing a friend of a friend because he felt he was becoming the third wheel.
Of course, when Oswald found out that shit had went down he immediately took Cielo aside for a nice long talk, because it was one thing when murder was part of the job description, another thing when it got personal. Although there wasn't officially anything against gods committing murder, they had standards, and Oswald was more concerned that Cielo would believe wanton murder was okay, which it really wasn't. And for a time, it seemed like Cielo had learnt his lesson. Except not really, because god mentality doesn’t exactly work that way -- and in his mind, he had been totally justified. So for a long time, the process kept repeating itself; he’d make friends, he’d end up hurting someone eventually, and then he’d get lectured or have freedoms restricted or get some smackdown laid upon him for being an asshole.
He did...eventually sort of grew out of it, after finally growing tired of disappointing his father, starting to understand exactly what the others meant when they said “killing is messy”, and realizing that they wouldn’t let him go off on his own because none of the gods trusted him to not do something completely insane and short-sightedly stupid. So he made peace with the fact that his friends wouldn’t last because he’d always outlive them, and they had to move on with their lives too. Eventually he was trusted enough to be left on his own, which unfortunately meant he’s been a lazybutt ever since because he liked travelling far more than he liked doing work.
Otherwise, there haven’t been a lot of things that’s happened that has impacted Cielo in particular. Dream got himself killed, and Cielo became friends with the new Dream because they were both young and horribly naively optimistic. The humans nearly broke something important again, the gods had to work overtime to fix it so the world wouldn’t collapse in on itself, but that was again nothing new.
Then Oswald, being simultaneously excellent and terrible at his job, kind of had belief in him dwindle to the point it wasn’t able to support his existence. Combined with his own disillusionment with war, he was on the fast track to death, which in his case would mean he would cease to exist. So, rather than let metaphysical laws kill him, he decided to die on his own (flashy) terms by blowing himself up.
...Yeah. There was pretty much nothing Cielo or Esta could do about that.
But life still moved on for both of them. For his part, Cielo’s been preoccupied with trying to cope with having a constant in his life suddenly gone forever by throwing himself into bugging the humans more because he needed something to do. …Oh, and his sister is trying to build artificial intelligence in the form of a golem. This surely won’t go wrong somehow.
Personality: Cielo can be described in one word: childish. There is absolutely nothing about him that would have you believe he’s actually some old higher being, unless you’re willing to rationalize his weird behaviour as such. He comes off as naively optimistic and none too bright on first impression, which doesn’t change much the longer you get to know him. He has a rather laid-back approach to things, and is difficult to anger on the basis that he'll probably let offense roll off his back like water. People sure are strange, sometimes!
Cielo is an extrovert, and is highly people-oriented. He has no problem with bugging others for no good reason; he just wants to have someone to talk to. “Friendly” might be a bit of an understatement. Likewise, Cielo is very physical in showing his affection for others, doing things like giving surprise hugs or simply touching them a lot. He has no real concept of personal space, which unfortunately also leads to things like draping on people, leaning in uncomfortably close, and simply entering their living space without their permission. And he never seems to quite get why some people find it intrusive, mostly because he refuses to acknowledge it.
Which brings us to a big thing about Cielo’s personality: he is terribly self-centered and whimsical. Due to being older than most anyone could possibly hope to achieve, as well as being ridiculously powerful, he’s the sort of person who does whatever he likes whenever he likes, and completely willing to do the strangest things simply because he can. While he doesn't normally flatout tell people he's a god, Cielo makes no real attempt to hide that he isn't normal, which at best makes him appear a little odd and at worst just plain eccentric, if not crazy. He’s generally well-meaning, but prone to being insensitive or selfish because he doesn’t always consider the other person’s feelings or opinions, even when he's thinking for their benefit. Because obviously he knows best!
Cielo is also lazy. He’s the sort of lazy that only puts effort into things he’s interested in and dodging actual work. He shirks his duties as a wind god in favour of things he actually likes to do, like travelling and meeting people, and only really seems to want to work when it’s absolutely important. He has a fondness for travelers, explorers, and anyone with a great deal of wanderlust, seeing that he's usually associated with them. For all his childish self-centredness and understated sense of self-entitlement, he does have a genuine interest in people, because people are interesting and he will never tire of them, no matter how old he gets. It’s a strange sort of love that is somewhere between thinking of humans as amusement and an appreciation of humanity in a way only a non-human can. Cielo is capable of being kind, even if one gets the vague impression the kindness is out of a sense of superiority or his personal bias, and he isn’t without empathy.
He’s still mildly sociopathic no matter how you look at it, though. Cielo just has better managed crazy for most of the part. He might suggest murder as a totally viable solution to problems (and mean it), but these days murder is an option he himself chooses only if you’ve managed to invoke his wrath; something that isn’t easily accomplished. But when he lashes back, he lashes back hard -- he’s perfectly okay with choking you to death or breaking your neck as he sees fit, because in his mind if you managed to make him decide to do that to you, then you totally deserved it. Cielo has matured enough that he can see that people usually play by the rules of morality, but he doesn't really get why it should apply to him. Fortunately, the killing thing will probably apply a lot less while in Sinnoh.
However, Cielo’s still a god-thing; still very old and experienced, still not human in some fundamental way. He might hate having to do work, but when he’s being serious, whether by obligation or because he wants to be, it shows. He can be philosophical, he can be intelligent, and he can be wise, sometimes -- if he actually tries. But he usually doesn't, because that takes effort and he's happy with people just thinking he's some weird kid. At the same time, he's also a person, and although he's kind of...amoral at times, he still has feelings and can be upset and sad -- he's still having a hard time dealing with the fact his father figure is dead, but he's mostly coping by distracting himself.
Powers & Abilities: First off, Cielo’s immortal. He has an indefinite lifespan, so long people continue to believe in him, and he ages extremely slowly. He cannot die of hunger, thirst, or poison, though they still cause him pain and suffering if he doesn’t address them. He is still killable, and whatever can kill an average human is capable of killing him, barring any exceptions that are mentioned here.
Being a wind god, he can manipulate the wind as easily as breathing. He can create breezes, sudden surges of air and small gales with little more than a thought. With a bit of effort the wind can be forceful enough to knock an average person off their feet, and can be formed into fast-moving “blades”. He's fully capable of doing things such as forcing the air out of a person's lungs and depriving them of oxygen, and summon forth hurricanes or typhoons - the big stuff takes effort he's usually too lazy to expend however. Most of the time, he uses the wind for trivial matters (like playing pranks), or utilitarian purposes such as cushioning falls or boosting jumps. The only trade off for this versatile specialization is that he's totally incapable of using any other kind of magic or special ability, aside from what's shared with the other gods. Similarly, he can’t be harmed by wind-based attacks -- he quite literally absorbs them.
Cielo can also literally turn himself into the wind. The shift is not instantaneous; it takes him a few seconds, and in wind form he's...well, wind. He can't be harmed, but he can't directly harm others either unless he's moving at high enough speeds, and he can't communicate. He is constantly moving in this form, and cannot remain in wind form for too long lest he forget how he actually looks like. Again, this takes effort he's not particularly keen on bothering with; usually he uses this when he has to cover large distances in a relatively short amount of time, and it will be sealed off in Legends most definitely.
More minor things are general...god-sense. He can detect if someone is non-human, though he won't necessarily be able to tell exactly what they are, and he'll automatically know if someone has wind-based magic/abilities simply because that's his domain. Despite his small stature and skinny appearance, Cielo is acrobatic and flexible due to having had a lot of time to practice. He's a good jumper and climber, and somewhat stronger than he looks, but is only above average at best otherwise. He just gives the illusion of superhuman capability because he cheats using his wind manipulation.
Posting Samples
Third-Person Sample: Cielo was not a stranger to...well, strange new places. In fact, he liked strange new places! That was the whole point of adventuring; even though back home he'd nearly been everywhere. Places changed by the passage of time. But for all purposes he considered them to be “new” too, because otherwise it would have been awfully boring. Admittedly, he usually didn’t wake up in new places without being able to remember how he got there, but it didn’t bother him.
...Well, it did bother him that someone was apparently able to abduct him without so much as a finger of resistance from him. He would have to thank whoever it was first before he kicked their asses. As a matter of gratitude, of course, the ass-kicking bit not withstanding. Once he...actually figured out who it was. And where they were.
Damn. Guess he'd have to wait before he could do that.
But for now, there was the living balloon he was holding onto to deal with. This place was already pretty interesting -- a balloon with an actual face! And which was apparently trying, in vain, to pull it along with him as it attempted to drift away. Cielo was nothing if not easily amused, and a cute little thing that said "Flooon" was pretty darn amusing at this point. He did have to wonder, however, if it was actually trying to steal him away in some manner. It was pretty determined, at least.
As cute as it was, Cielo wasn't going to have anything trying to steal him away. Especially not since he was just stolen away already.
"I think I'll call you Drifty," he said, and for a moment the balloon stopped to pay attention to him. "Floony sounds kinda silly, and it's not like you can say anything other than variations of Drifloon, apparently! But you have a little cloud thing on top of your...head. Body. Self! That's good."
The Drifloon seemed to just stare at him, probably unsure how it was supposed to react to that. What was he rembling about, anyway? And then Cielo smiled, and it suddenly felt nervous.
"Let's get along, okay?"
And then suddenly Drifty found himself being pulled along by a little boy who was now running. Cielo believed in repaying favours, sadly for this Drifloon.
First-Person Sample:
[When the video feed starts, the viewer is greeted with...a hand covering the screen. Well. ]
Oh, is that what it does? [The hand moves away from the camera and instead people get to see Cielo holding up the Poketop to face level with one hand, tilting his head as he looks at it curiously. His other hand seems to be preoccupied with holding a...balloon?] It looks like a really tiny typewriter, except not! Typewriters don't usually show pictures, either. Or have this little arrow thingy that moves around.This sure is weird.
Mmm, anyway! Seeing there's a whooole bunch of us who're suddenly here, I was wondering how many of you actually have experience travelling around and stuff! Since it looks like we'll be doing a lot of it. And I was wondering if anyone wouldn't mind travelling in a group, since it's more fun that way. And I have plenty of experience exploring strange new places, so I can help out!
[No Cielo, nevermind it's kind of hard to believe that considering how young you look. This is mostly just an excuse for him to chat up people, anyway.]
Anything else? If nothing else, I'd like him to keep his wind powers! Of course, capped so he won't be able to actually hurt anybody by using them alone.