Something amusing I suddenly remembered...

Aug 25, 2006 23:30

Did I ever mentioned I went to play

It's an online-role playing game, it's FREE, I got playing into it because my little male cousin was playing it and saying how good it was and all and told me to join, so I decided to try it out and see.

Now the funny thing was, I went for a male character XD

When I was a newbie (Still am one, even though my level is around 15 or so) I was walking around the first town (Where all other newbies, middle level and high level people were here) there was this female character that's running around asking guys to be her boyfriend.
Now somehow she saw me and started chasing after me (I was a male character remember?) and asked me to be her boyfriend.
OMG~ I didn't know how to react to her, I mean since I'm also I know the feelings alright, so I sorta ignored her and walked away, she kept chasing after me saying 'Please~ Please~' and I just told her 'You'll find someone better someday' and walked away again. In the end, she probably give up and just went looking for another one.
Talk about being desperate, I wonder if she's really desperate or just looking for fun (BTW, she's a beginner too), or is a male in disguise (Like me, vice versa) saa.... @_@
I told my brother about it afterwards, he told me I have two choices to speak of to chase her away,
1) Tell her I like men.
2) Tell her I'm gay.
Now, number 1 is very true, and number is not true if I'm a girl, but since I'm a male character I suppose you can say so, but that's a bit too much x_X

The second amusing thing is,
One time I was still a low level guy and wandering around the place. I heard there was this ghost mansion around, since i got quite excited I decided to go there. However what I didn't expect was the monsteres were quite high level for me. So I wanted to turn back. Now the the entrance was designed to be that, once you enter the mansion you can't go back out.
You're given two options, eitehr go complete the quest or find a way out.
So I was minding my own business and rtying to find a way out... which was way hard, and then I came across a player, I asked him does he know if tehre's a way out, he says:
Him: How much money do you have?
Me: Uhh... not much, only around 100 or so... why? ((Obviously this guy wants money, but I really don't have much to give him, what does he expect from a newbie?))
Him: Hah, you loser.
Me: Whatever ((If he doesn't help me I don't care either way, I'll either die or just spend the rest of my life trying to find a way out myself))
-So I ignored him and walked away trying to find a way out.
Strangely enough a minute later he came after me telling me to follow him. I was wondering what's up with him, but I did, slowly but I did follow him. In the end he lead me to the exit and told me that's the way out. I just told him a thank you and soon he walked back into the mansion.
Well, I got outside free, it makes me wonder why he would suddenly do such a good deed.
I told my brother about it too, and I asked whether that person was feeling guilty or his conscious or something. Bro says it's possibly a bit of both. I also asked him if I happen to be a female character, I wonder if he'll treat me differently then? Well, I didn't exactly bitch him back or anything (That's usually what I'd react anyway) I wonder if the phrase surprised him or what. It's not everyday to see someone that doesn't fight back and that if you don't help them then they'll just turn away from you lol (Me evil?)
It was nice of him to help me in the end, even though he was being rude at first, teh money is ok, but the 'Loser' really isn't neccessary. But oh well.
Ne, what do you all think? I'm just interested since i don't communicate with different people much (Or should I say I don't commute with those that I don't like, so I never have much experience with other people) I really wonder why a human being would be like that lol.

online rpg, games

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