Tennis no Ousjisama
Poor Atobe-fans and Echizen-kun haters lol *Hugs her Ochibi*
man I can hear the agonizing pains from FET. Mwahahaha XD
And Kyou Kara Maou Asuka manga: is lovely and so strong looking! I finally see the connection between her and Yuuri as to why Conrad loved her so much. XD
And, it appears that there will be a KINGDOM HEARTS 3 out in the future as Square have mentioned!!! And a KH MOVIE too!!! (Please see for details.)
I just love Square. Though honestly I wish they could've made Terranigma into the PSP. Terranigma is so fun to play with.
I don't remember if I've talked about the forms in KH2 before.
Well there's 5 forms, the Brave(Red), Wisdom(Blue), Master(Yellow), Anti-Final(Black), Final(White/Silver.)
+Brave Form: Basically you carry 2 keyblades, you've high strength and high defense but your magic and speed SUCKS!!!! It's great for going around pounding a single boss/easy enemies around.
+Wisdom Form: Wow, you know you're blue that's great. But you can FLOAT!!! It's like going around in a skateboard/rollerblades. Speedy. And full of magic. Plus, your Keyblade SHOOTS at enemies to attack. Great for attacking from a distance. While you're speedy, powerful with magic, your attack and defense suck, not to mention you only got one keyblade and you can't go around whacking an enemy other than shooting at them.
+Master Form: Yellow with 2 keyblades! But what's good about this is that you've the Brave and Wisdom combined meaning you're balanced. While you do feel slow, you're not slower than Brave. You've more magic than Brave. Stronger in defense and attack than Wisdom. You do actually slide around, just not speedy enough, but it's still good. Did I ever mention Sora spins one of his keyblade repeatly as he walks/slides? It's pretty cool when you look at it. However, without the help of Donald and Goofy you're prepared to tough fights if you've always counted on them to assist you(Donald curing you, Goofy attacking like mad to help you.)
+Anti-Final Form: You must be wondering, what is THIS!? Well, it's actually quite similar to the Final form, only that Sora somehow turns all black(And looks very heartless like) with glowing eyes. Sad to say you'll only get to see this if you're lucky, this occurs rarely and it's rumoured that once you got your final-form, you're no longer able to see this form is what I've been hearing o_O And from my experience, you can say I killed a few enemies with just 2-3 strikes(No keyblades) and they're already dead. It's simply sweet.
+Final Form: White or silver I don't know. To be honest I can't give much details of this for the moment since I haven't gained it yet. While I do know where Sora got his master form, it makes me wonder who's the last ingredient to make Sora gain this form. Could it be Roxas? And this has 2 keyblades(Which the Anti-form has none and still mangaes to kill enemies XD)
As for Sora, I hope the version in US has good voice actor and CAN sing. Because he'll be singing songs with the little mermaid. While I loved Sora's voice(J version), Sabastian(J version)'s voice I didn't like Ariel's voice(J version.) I find her voice too high-pitched it actually hurts my ears and mind. I have to say I'd probably prefer the US one better.
Did I mention Sora's seiyuu is now Niwa Daisuke's (From DN Angel) I know I keep saying this over and over again but his voice is so cute. "Koko?" "Koko." X3
Speaking about games, I've tried playing Hanamachi Monogatari again. This time I vowed to get tehe main seme, and while I did get it, the story was actually the one that I think is best so far. I just love the CG. Heheh.