Spent Friday night in black-face with white hair, running around questioning people and killing things whenever I got bored with talking.
Spent the morning killing random things on pathways.
Spent the noon to parts of the afternoon in red-face paint with horns and teeth pretending to be a Hell Hound (that is exactly what you probably think it is... A fiery dog from hell that throws fire at things), annihilating entire groups of people in armor and pissing off a lot of people in the process.
Went back to black-face and white hair around 4:00, hung out in a maze killing the people in it. Did some other stuff and left around 6pm.
Went to
moon_eyed's Halloween party (it had Jesus-chicken, how could I resist), where my mortal enemy was (the stupid cunt I go to school with that hates me). It's my understanding that, before my arrival, she was trying to convince others to hate me. Once I arrived, it got sort of cliqueish, whereas the people she had talked about me to before I got there hung out with her and they'd go in a different room if I was there. Some mean person even suggested that I'd die in a fiery car crash on the way home. All-in-all, I wanted to cry.
P.S. The part where I wanted to cry is all false, because the girl in question is a stupid, useless cunt, and nothing she says or does could ever hurt me.
P.P.S. Yes, that means Becky.