Hello hello, flist! I'm sorry about not being on lately, I'm very much spacy right now. So quick update in bullet point form.
- Saw Regina Spektor on Friday! The concert was so amazing, and she's so impossibly cute. I just want to give her a big hug.
- Halloween! Was spent eating candy and watching horror movies. Good times.
- Until next Tuesday, I don't have morning class. So I go to school at noon 8D
+ Aaaand, today, tomorrow, and maybe Monday, I'm just going to be eating popcorn and watching A Clockwork Orange in English. Pretty sweet.
- For all those freaks out on my flist, come join
gurodressing! Pan-fandom, no sign up needed, and very friendly. You don't even have to be into mutiliation, just a little violence and mindfuck is all good~ please don't defriend me
And that's my week. How are y'all?