A situation happened that involved me!

Apr 10, 2010 08:27

I'm not happy right now. Dennis can't beleive i'm pissed off, he's never seen me pissed off before.

Maintence apperently called an annoucnment only once though about cleaning out the fridge 45 minutes before we're eating, (which is honestly in my opinion the most stupidest thing they could have done)

Chris paged he's the head maintence dude , he apperently paged saying " We're cleaning out eh fridge please take 10 minutes to come to the back of the room, to claim your lunch. "

There's two things wrong with that sentence.

The first, is I'm half deaf, and hearing imapaired, I'm deaf on the left side of my ear. I can only hear things at a certain volume. The radio I can hear because they blast it, Marc our manager I can hear his pages because he honestly yells into the radio system like a crazy person repeating it. no way I can miss that. Melissa our support manager kinda yells into it sometimes I miss it. but other people whisper into the page system expecting you to hear them. Ontop of the radio , cleaner machine and fans going by. I'm in the Mens department when this happened I was by the door which has alot of wind at that moment, and the cleaner was going by. Chris whispered into the page system and only said it once.

Which leads me to #2.
Stockers are timed for hourly opened boxes. We don't have time to go to the back for ten minutes to say " don't throw this out. " I especially am not going all the way from the means department to the lunch room to save my lunch. I wish I did hear it though which I didn't
Maintence needs to understand that.

If he did this after lunch, I wouldn't have cared about this. BUT i was hungry, and looking forward to my Pizza and Burger.
Diane talked to Melissa on behalf of me. God bless her!!! She takes good care of me at work too. She gave me her frozen dinner, she had a sandwhich at work as well but couldn't eat the dinner. So she willingly gave it up wanting me to eat something! She's seen me at my worse when I'm grumpy. Denis has never seen me pissed off at work... Congratulations. i'm pissed off. I'm not even going to bother to laugh about this because it happened to me. the fact that I had a shitty day to begin with, come in and the back where my fashion stuff is located was a disaster. Boxes everywhere no notes on whats what in the back. I didn't have time to work on it, Consumable departments are more important then the fashion line...right...Steve my fashion manager wants me in fashion all the time. Bedcause I beat the time chart sometimes, I go help other people mainly in HBA and Foods. Now a days HBA. (Health Beauty and Accessories)

It just drives me nuts. Yes, my speeech is normal with my BAHA hearing aid, sure. But take into consideration that my hearing is still not great.

What do you think could have happened for them to prevent this? this is all the information of that situation that happened. I've left out the sweat words. Yes, I swore repeatidily not at them but after lunch while I was zoning the toothpaste.
Having something you were looking fowrard to thrown out on you is not a great feeling. At least I have people supporting me on this matter and we're coming up with a plan

One of the fahsion day staff ladies said " oh someone cleaned out the fridge today. "Diane and I said " ya and threw out Heathers lucnh ontop of that so she didn't really eat today. " Pat came up with a situation saying I should have a buddy at work come get me every time a page like that occurs. Break I hear because our Breaks are 1am,3am and 5am. I set my alarm on my cell phone incase I don't hear the actual page.

But I only hear 15% of the pages and peopel are starting to realize that after a year of me being there.

Hopefully tonight would be better for me

I ate my pizza now.I'm full I'm happier but still ticked off. Thank-you for reading, if you want to share your opinion on how management or maintence management should have handled this better please let me know. We're having a meeting tomorrow about this and all opinions and suggestions are welcome

I'm still frusterated that this could happen, some people have said they should have waited till AFTER Lunch, not before lunch. Hopefully we'll talk more about this at work. I posted it on facebook and tagged some friends I know dealt with this situation before so I'm getting their ideas.. ...just so we have lots of ways so this never happens again.

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