Feb 28, 2010 09:26
I worked infants again. Melissa talkd to me about the end caps she wanted me to not make them so high up that their covering price tags. She explained it relaxingly not like Lindsay does. She took time to show me too which was nice.
I had four skids. I finished two of them before lunch, I had my pantry cart, they were washing the floor before lunch. After lunch the rest of my skids I spoted the area. Made it easier for me. All the HUGGIES diapers i had one area, Pampers boxes I had in one area I didn't stock it yet because i wanted to re-organizing the diaper wall cleaning it from behind.
Made it easier to spot stuff =) I may do that again. I asked Melissa at 5am , I said I know you may think i'm crazy, many do, but I want them to PURGE Infants. I'm aware whats in the back, and infants is in every bin, I said we've had some empty spaces for a while. If we do a purged skid or two it might help fill up the spaces. *shrug* I'll see if they get it tonight. Its sunday, so I hope Anne's not in the department when they do the purged skid. I said make sure I'm in the department for the purging.
I'm gonna remind Marc too, I want them to purge all week. I don't care, I use to hate it, but now I understand the system and It will help clean up the back room. Tracy was happy when I asked.
I bought some funky shoes. Their DR SCHOLS Running Shoes, but their Checkered. I like them =) and they had my size. I was gonna buy another one, but thought that one I'd wear more. Was thinking Indoor shoes for Brownie Meetings. And for camp too. Just thinking of clothes for my personnality =) I bought a first aid kit for my brownie unit, and a personal one for myself and other outings too.
I bought a binder as well with paper. Just for camp
I made one of the greeters days. I said i was going away to Brownie Camp, I'm a leader, and she asked me how long I've been a leader I said 8 years, but I've been in guiding for at least 20 years. I made her day. I told her I had ADHD as well she said " No you don't! ' I said yup its under control but if you pay attention to my work , it still shows. Angie said " oooh so thats why you irritated me when i worked fashion. " I said yup.
anyways, the greeter suggested I write about my life the disabilites and how others said that I wouldn't graduate, yet here I am Full time job (not the greatest) with a diploma in my hand working with guides for a good year of my life. I've been in all obstacles you name it i've most likely been there. I've lived in Japan, been to Scotland and Costa Rica and England too. I tell my LIvejournal readers about my life, but others at work don't know about it. I told Carlos I can speak some Japanese, and I told Anil I lived there for 3 years. Their amazed. I'm thinking about it, but the title I might get my Brownies to help me decide. I want it to be about my Guiding experiences and about my life. own biography. Would you read it?