Happy Herd

Feb 05, 2017 19:20

For all the work and headache they can be, I sure love it when they tell me how much they appreciate life on the farm. I love opening the gate to the summer pasture on warm dry winter days and letting them get the zoomies out. Cobb and Ana, true to their drafty form, decided eating was a better choice than running amuck. Dandy and Finn channeled their inner arabs and ran around like nuts, Finn even learned to flag his tail.

I cant wait to get him moving so nicely under saddle. Ive had steps of this lovely lofty trot and I want to ride more! Hes just a joy to watch move as he does it so effortlessly.

My "liberty team" stepping forward to me.
After they ran amuck I did some easy liberty work with Finn to remind him that yes, he still has to use his brain. As I was asking him to come towards me, woah, back up... Sonny decided that he knew the answers to this game and did it right along side Finn. It was a lot of fun to work with them both at the same time. I think Finn enjoys the support of other horses, especially such a well adjusted happy herd like mine. He looks up to his big brothers and sisters! Sonny and I play sparingly, but he's always been so keen to do liberty work and because of his past, he enjoys making "the decisions" unrestricted. Finn seems to have the same opinion on liberty work, and I love that he's starting to key in on me, run amuck for fun with the herd, and is part of their family "out there".
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