Courage, Dear heart

Jan 18, 2017 19:36

Look at that big boy doing big boy things in a lovely relaxed big boy frame! I can not believe it. It's not all the time, its not that he still doesn't think about testing us- but little glimmers like this are enough to build on. We bridled him for the first time today and he got to work in a surcingle with the excess loops hanging down to desensitize him to the flips and flops of the stirrup or leg. We then put the saddle on and there wasn't so much as a flinch, he's really understanding this relaxation is key thing. (Pretty amazing for a horse that tried to climb the walls at the sight of the saddle two weeks ago). After he went around for a bit softly, we took the saddle off and I hopped on for a little bareback reinforcement. I even stopped him and got him to back up a step just off my breathing. Pretty sure drugs would have been a more cheaper high, but I am on cloud nine!
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