May 22, 2011 15:13
I'm having a bit of trouble doing this post. One the one hand, it may be helpful, but on the other hand, part of me thinks that I may be limiting my dear gifter in ways. So... my dear gifter, if you're reading this - these are no rules, take them all with a big amount of salt, divide by five and add whatever thoughts you have on the subject.
I think I'll write about art first, because it's short. Really, when it comes to art? I am absolutely NOT picky. Any style, any means. I tried to make my art prompts broad, except for that S/H noir one. If you're an artist, just go with the flow and do whatever your muse tells you. The only thing I'm not particularly fond of about art is Muggl-izing of Snape and Hermione. I like them as wizards.
Now, on to the fic.
1. Likes. I like stories with a good psychological subtext. I really love it when both characters have their flaws, when they're not perfect, when they don't achieve everything they go for. It makes them more human. I love it when Hermione uses her smarts, but I love it specifically when there are things she doesn't know. Or things she hasn't forseen/calculated. And when they bite her in the ass (see my first prompt abour H making a mistake).
I prefer angst to fluff. Am an absolute sucker for a good tragedy - not the 'Hermione standing in the rain at Snape's grave' kind. Think "That language he has never spoken" by MadQueenMab or "The Tattered Man" by Aurette. True to life, no-extra-cheese-and-pathos tragedies. If you manage something like that? I'll probably worship at your feet :)))) OK, remove the 'probably', I definitely will!
I like Post-hog and a somewhat experienced in the ways of life Hermione.
I also love humour. Elaborate, exquisite, refined, 'british' type humour. I LOVE it when Snape talks like Encyclopaedia Britannica and uses fancy language constructions. I like fade-out sex and fade-out happy endings, or open endings. I really appreciate imagination within canon or small (and big) additions to the HP universe itself. I like Draco and I like Harry. I like both Snape and Hermione have something they do and like to do.
2. Dislikes. Weddings. Parties. Balls. Dancing. Regency. Matchmaking games. Children. Babies. Pregnancies and their descriptors ('glowing' *shrugs violently*). I don't like Ron and Dumbledore much, but I don't like it even more when Ron is made into an ass and Dumby is either waaay too awesome or omniscient or is turrned villain-ey. I don't like non-con, or Snape having to deal with an abused/raped/beaten-by-Death-Eaters Hermione as a start to their relationship. I'm not a big fan of pulp and gore, unless you decide to write a zombie apocalypse fic (which I LURVE) :)) I like sex scenes, but with plot prevailing. I'm not a big fan of stories where S and H christen every surface in their house and have an obligatory grand finale fuckfest in the final chapter, unless the story is a PWP. I don't like forced relationships.
My dear gifter, I hope I didn't scare you to bits. Just go with your idea. I'm sure I'll love it!