Wrapping up my week...(mostly to clear my own head)

Apr 17, 2009 09:10

So yes the week is not over yet but so much has happened that I feel I should break it down for my own piece of mind.
Let's start with Friday since that would make it almost a week. This week was sort of my break since I only had to work one job since the school is on break....all I can say is....what break???
Friday: Cleaned up some, got packed to take Kate to Syracuse and sleepover at Kim's. Rob brought home his old friends Shaun and Malissa. I got to meet them both. Kim and Kate showed up and we randomly shopped about and then jazzed on coffee we headed to Kim's and watched From Hell and then stayed up until 3 am.
Saturday: Woke up at Kim's at 5 am after going to bed at 3 am. We hurriedly got ready and in the car to drive to Syracuse to drop Kate off at the Airport. We helped her find her gate and get checked in before heading back to the car. Then Kim and I made the long drive back. After grocery shopping with Kim, trying to clean my house and getting paperwork done.. I finally crashed and slept for almost 18 hours.
Sunday: Sunday was Easter. I spent it alone, pregnant, sad and all alone, for the first time in my entire life. Rob had to work all day and by the time he came home we were both sad and exhausted. I also realized Sunday that my cousin was still avoiding me and causing drama and whatnot so I decided to confront her.
Monday: I woke up to threats from my cousin and lies being spread about me online by her. I half expected a cop to show up. I also went to Family Dollar and got gardening stuff and started a flower garden to prettify the house.
Tuesday: More cousin drama...blech. More lies spread by her. Went walking around with Jess and got a ton of errands done and also found some amazing finds at the CORC store. Had fun hanging with Jess and realized I missed her a ton. Then had to work 4-8.
Wednesday: Rob and I had a day off together. We spent most of it cuddling in bed, got up, did some work and puttered around the house and then got back in bed...took a nap... got up got dinner at Jrecks....came home ate... and got back in bed to watch Ghost Hunters......so a bed day mostly... I needed one.
Thursday: Today woke up to a phone call telling me I did not get a paycheck yet... that no one had... and that they weren't sure when we would get one. They think by tomorrow...but I am worried. We have 1.08 left in the bank. So I worried most of the day and then had to work 4-8. Hopefully by tommorow....

So that was my week...... crazy....
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