Jul 29, 2008 10:56
It has been a long while since I last wrote. I am going to try to make LiveJournal more of a habit... either that or start up a blog. I want to hone my writing skills because I am terrified that they are leaving me. I rarely write in my paper journal, and I never write poetry or prose any more. I have no explanation for it, but it's disconcerting because my entire life I have just assumed that I will be a writer in some capacity. At this point in time, it doesn't bode well.
My summer has been, by and large, excellent. I would go so far as to say that it is the best summer I've had in recent memory.
The end of June (after graduating): I spent a lot of time at the Drexler household, sitting in Chris' room, talking and watching movies and watch various romances unfold (none of which involved me).
Michael and I went to see Josh Ritter perform with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Except for when he had to go smoke a cigarette in the middle of the concert, it was a great time. Driving to Boston was stressful but I DID IT, and remained unscathed. The contrast between Josh and his band and the orchestra was amusing. The horn players in the back row kept whispering to each other and laughing. The string section looked like they all wanted nothing more than to die. Josh was having a lot of fun though - he was also almost definitely drunk. Everyone sang along to "Empty Hearts" and "Rumors" was AMAZING ("And the string section's screaming like horses in a barn burning up"...!).
Rehearsals for Moon Over Buffalo began, in a very tiny, poorly air conditioned room with no windows.
Beginning of July: I met and fell very hard for a guy named Mike Mullane. I was smitten for the entire month until (yesterday) he told me he has started seeing someone else. So the timing was poor. So I'm four years younger than him and in a completely different place in my life. It still would have been lovely to have someone to go out with, be cute with, sleep with. ... until I leave for college. IN THE LONG RUN IT IS A GOOD THING. But it certainly doesn't change the fact that my heart hurts a lot RIGHT NOW in this moment. It's what I get for letting any and all defenses down and believing wholeheartedly in the goodness of mankind. Great.
Moon Over Buffalo continued to be a minor annoyance. At one point, I started to adore it. I then decided that I am a horrible actress and hated myself for about two days, before we finally got an audience and I got laughs. Now it is something of a nuisance (considering I have performed it probably... 20+ times at this point), but my family and friends are coming to the shows this week, which is exciting. I also wear an adorable 50s costume and see Matt Pugliese all the time. Interestingly, this show may have convinced me that there is no way in hell I am going to pursue acting as my career. I am enjoying myself, but I do not feel the passion for acting that I felt while I was at Oddfellows. I'm not sure what that means. Maybe I'm only passionate when I have big roles, heh. But I think I am more cut out for academia. Which leads me to...
SWARTHMORE!!!: I am going there in less than a month. I am going to miss everyone and everything that is familiar but I am primarily PSYCHED OUT OF MY MIND. Officially, housing information has not been given out. However, our dorm room phone numbers were posted, and the clever Swarthmore Class of '12 figured out how to use said information to discover who is in what dorm room. Based on that logic, I am in Wharton, in a three-room quad with two girls who I was already Facebook friends with (we had a game of Scrabulous going back in May!). Wharton is right near the dining hall and performing arts center. Uh... yes. It is also beautiful. I think I am going to take Yoga, a First-Year Seminar in either History, English or Philosophy, a class about plant life to fulfill the Science requirement, Intro to Linguistics and whatever French I get placed in.
Yesterday: Found out Mike Mullane can't see me anymore. Cried a lot. Felt pathetic. MET UP WITH SARA AND MICHAEL COTE AND LIL WILKS in Middletown. Thank goodness for good friends. We had a picnic on Foss Hill and I took a lot of pictures (only to later discover that my film was not loaded correctly). We dispersed briefly and I had dinner with Kacey and Kyle, who assure me that I am far cuter than Mike's new girl and that he his an idiot. It made me feel worlds better. Once again, thank goodness for good friends. I returned to Javapalooza, where I saw Peter Hildebrand and JDM. We had witty conversation for an hour. Upon the return of Michael and Sara, we killed time before going to Foss Hill again for stargazing and cigarette smoking (I was in the mood, ok?). Max Wareham & Co. and M. Kochol showed up and we stayed there for a long time being philosophical and young.
Typing forever about your own life is absurdly therapeutic. Wow.