Seriously, how can this man become more attractive? Give him some floppy hair and many scenes with his soulful brown eyes, that's how. Admittedly, I balk at the beard which must've taken him like, two months to grow, but I loves me some daddy!Nathan talking to his sons through a gate. Promo with Nathan and his incredulous "Peter?" makes me squee. Also, his mirror with Peter pictures made me ask the group with whom I was watching the show, "Does anyone else think Peter and Nathan are totally gay for each other?" They all laughed, but no one said yes, sadly.
DANG IT I WANT TO KNOW ANGELA PETRELLI'S POWER. Also, Kaito Nakamura's power would be good to know as well.
Monica and her power, meh. Her accent is obviously fake and it bothers me. Maya and Alejandro are much more interesting now that they are with Sylar. Matt and Mohinder are totally and completely the embodiment of a sitcom entitled "My Two Dads." Claire and West are kinda cute. I know certain people dislike West, but ehh, maybe he was just socially inept when it comes to making girls like him in episodes 1-3.
Peter next time! With Kristen Bell! Yessss.