Two and Two: NC-17, PWP

Sep 06, 2006 16:28

          Rusty is in the midst of retrieving his forgotten gear from the trainer’s room when he hears the noises.

Soft moans. Murmured voices. Breathy gasps and the wet sound of lips on lips on flesh. And it’s coming from the locker room-the supposedly vacant locker room, since as far as he knows only a few other players were still around.

One being his rather impetuous lover: a certain forward by the name of Rick Nash.

Drawn by raging curiosity (and a certain something else raging as well), Rusty creeps to the double-doors of the locker room. He pushes one open quietly, peering through the tiny slit.

The sight that greets his eyes has him stifling a yelp of surprise.

Rick is indeed in the room-as well as is another reckless pair, known to some as ‘those two again,’ though in a more formal sense one goes by ‘Nikolai Zherdev’ and the other ‘Gilbert Brule’.

However, what they’re up to at the moment is anything but formal.

Rick is sprawled on one of the wide benches in the room, his back pressed against Gilbert’s bare chest, the younger Canadian straddling the bench. Their hands are tightly locked together, Gilbert’s lips affixed to Rick’s neck.

Rick is also very naked.

This fact is both very pleasing and very alarming to Rusty.

Not to be left out, Nikolai’s head is buried between Rick’s legs, dark curls bobbing gently up and down. His lips are parted in a firm ‘O’ ringing Rick’s flesh, cheeks hollowed and eyes half-lidded, that gray gaze sultry and intense.

The connection between the two wingers is palpable; the quiet in the deserted locker room broken only by moans and gasps. Rick is flushed and needy, his legs trembling on either side of the bench as Nikolai goes down on him; his fingers, entwined with Gilbert’s, clench and unclench spasmodically. Throughout it all he and Nik never break eye contact-Rick is too mesmerized by the sight of his cock disappearing between Nikolai’s lips, while Nik is fascinated by the pale-pink, almost-innocent flush that spreads across Rick’s cheeks.

Rick wants to touch Nikolai. Rusty can see it; can breathe it, the desire in the air is so thick. Rick’s hands strain against Gilbert’s, a growl half-formed in his throat as he tries and is prevented from reaching for Nik. Gilbert laughs at him with a wicked smile and keeps Rick locked against his chest, pressing soothing kisses against his neck and the side of his jaw. The corners of Nikolai’s eyes crinkle at the sight, and Rick lets out a low moan of frustration, an unintelligible curse garbled somewhere in the long exhalation.

Nik speeds up his pace, working his fist tightly around the base of Rick’s cock as his lips and tongue tease the head. His other hand comes up to tease Rick’s balls, rubbing and kneading. Rick’s thrusting up as much as he can while he’s pinned by Gilbert, a incoherent stream of garbled words and groans falling from his lips. When Nik positions his fingers at Rick’s entrance Rusty moans softly to himself, fingers clenching around the door handle.

And when Nik slides two of those long digits into Rick in a single, steady push, Rick comes with a scream that echoes in the tiled locker room.

Nikolai pulls away, sitting back on his heels as Rick goes limp and struggles to gasp in air. The sight of the dark-eyed Ukrainian sends a painful jolt of arousal through Rusty’s body. Sticky white cum-Rick’s-drips from his chin; a line trails down his neck, slowly trickling lower. Nik wipes the back of his hand across his mouth with a smug grin, his tongue darting out to lick off the fluids transferred to his skin. It’s sexy and damn arousing and hot as hell-and it’s way too much.

Gilbert lets out a strangled yelp of terror as Rusty strides meaningfully into sight. The poor rookie has a horrified, hand-caught-in-the-cookie-jar type of expression on his face, and he would have jumped up and fled if Rick hadn’t kept his hands locked with his own. Rick knows his lover; his sated, self-satisfied grin widens as he catches sight of the look in Rusty’s eyes. He doesn’t let Gilbert go anywhere, ignoring the panicked squeaks that come from the other Canadian.

For his part, Nik is defiantly stubborn, standing his ground as Rusty stalks toward him. He’s completely unrepentant of the cum streaked across his skin. The challenging look, as if he were daring Rusty to reprimand him, fits his rebellious personality so well the expression looks natural on his face; and Rusty would love nothing more to wipe it off.

Preferably to replace it with something more interestingly subordinate.

Gilbert shouts as Rusty grabs hold of the front of Nikolai’s shirt-however, the protest trails off as Rusty slams Nik against the wall and smashes their mouths together.

He can taste Rick on Nikolai’s lips; salty-sweet, the scent of his lover still lingering around the young Ukrainian. And beneath Rick is Nikolai himself-warm lips and an agile tongue that slides its way right on in to Rusty’s mouth. Fingers clutch at his shoulders, clenching, demanding: Nik gives as much as he takes, voraciously devouring Rusty’s mouth. His breath rasps harshly in his throat as Rusty turns his attention lower; fisting Nik’s hair in his grip, he holds the younger man in place as he licks his way down his throat, lapping Rick’s cum from sun-kissed skin. The mere reality of what he is doing is enough to make him moan, sending little vibrations across sweat-slicked flesh.

“Rusty,” Rick husks from off to the side, his voice deep and wanting. He wants his lover’s attention on himself.

‘Well, too bad,’ Rusty smirks. ‘Not after what you just got caught doing.’ He returns to Nikolai’s mouth, tangling their tongues together as he flips Rick off.

Gilbert’s laughter is cut off by an offended smack to the head.

“You’ve already gotten off, Rick,” Rusty murmurs as he tastes Nikolai’s skin, popping open the button of his jeans and worming his hand inside. Nik groans throatily and arches into his touch.

“It’s our turn.”

Rick’s affronted protests are ignored as Rusty makes quick work of Nik’s clothes, shedding his own with the help of Gilbert’s now-eager hands. Limbs twine and slide against each other as Rusty moves them to the bench, unceremoniously shoving Rick out of the way. He exchanges grins with the other two; tacit agreement has them temporarily forgetting the other Canadian.

Nikolai moans as Rusty bends him facefirst over the bench, using the slim length of wood to brace himself as he spreads his legs in compliance. Gilbert kneels in front of him, cupping Nik’s face in his hands; gently exploring his lover’s mouth. The intimate tenderness of the gesture is sweetly touching, and Rusty feels lucky to be able to witness the love between the two that is clearly present. The adoration he can see in Gilbert’s eyes is evident within Nikolai as well, the older of the two using one arm to support himself, sliding his free hand into Gil’s hair and stroking through the mussed locks. It’s a far cry from the demanding, ravenous touch Nik had used with Rusty, and he smiles at the loving passion shared between the two.

When Rusty slides one slicked finger into Nik, Gilbert swallows his lover’s liquid gasp.

Nikolai presses back against Rusty’s touch and he adds another digit, working him open. Nik’s hand falls from Gilbert’s hair as he clutches at the edge of the bench instead, hanging his head as he tries to assimilate the pleasure arcing up his spine. Just the feel of Rusty scissoring his fingers within his body is enough to have him half-hard; having Gilbert there, his own lover watching, turns him on so much he’s already moaning, wiggling his hips insistently.

As Rusty and Gilbert attend to prepping Nikolai, Rick tries desperately to find a way to relieve the aching arousal in his own body. He bites his lip as Nik squirms beneath Rusty’s hands; pushing back eagerly as Rusty fucks him with his fingers. He know exactly how Nik feels, having been on the receiving end of Rusty’s talented touch every night-Nik’s gasps and groans resonate in his body as if they were his own. Rick just got off and already he’s wanting more, whimpering at being left out.

Rusty catches the sound and grins at his lover, even as he’s stroking his own cock with lube. Rick moans, watching as Rusty presses against Nikolai; presses into Nikolai, causing the dark-skinned Ukrainian to throw his head back, mouth gaping wide in ecstasy. His back curves in a graceful arc and Rusty smoothes his palm across that expanse of muscle and skin, settling his hands at Nik’s hips.

Rick wraps his hand around his own shaft as Rusty makes an experimental little thrust that gleans a sharp cry from Nikolai. A few more, firmer thrusts have Nik screaming a string of Russian that only Gilbert seems to understand as he attacks his lover’s mouth with his own, running his hands down Nik’s shoulders and arms. Nik’s fingers flex against the bench and he parts his mouth for Gilbert eagerly.

Rusty’s eyes are dark and half-lidded, and he has his eyes fixed on Rick as he slowly sets a rhythm. Rick whimpers at the intensity, the lust in his gaze, and his breathing hastens as he strokes himself, watching his lover elicit groans and gasps from his linemate and friend.

Gilbert and Nikolai are sucking each others’ tongues as if they’re trying to swallow each other whole. Gilbert stands, slowly, and Nik obligingly trails his tongue lower, following the curves of his lover’s abs and belly. Rick sucks in a sharp breath as, upon reaching Gil’s cock, Nik begins licking the head of his shaft like a lollipop, eyes half-lidded and a grin curling the edges of his mouth. Gilbert groans and slides his fingers into the dark curls of Nikolai’s hair, pressing his dick insistently to his lips.

A hard thrust from Rusty has Nik swallowing Gilbert’s shaft almost all at once, and all four men in the room groan.

“Nikky,” Gilbert murmurs breathlessly; petting and stroking at his lover’s hair. “Ah, god, Nik-”

Nikolai makes a ‘hmm?’ sound in his throat and Gilbert squeaks, snapping his mouth shut and arching up on his toes. Nik laps and sucks and the sounds he makes are positively sinful, little pants around Gilbert’s cock quickening as Rusty increases the pace. He’s being rocked between the two, his arms straining as he supports himself, and yet Rick has never seen Nikolai look this smug; this in control.

It’s only when Rusty reaches around and grips his cock in a firm hold that Nik becomes vocal, letting out a keening mewl as his eyes seem to roll into the back of his head from pleasure.

Rick wants to touch. He wants to taste, to feel. Just stroking himself isn’t nearly enough; he needs more. He clambers to his feet, panting with arousal, and creeps to Rusty’s side, whimpering and wrapping his arms around his lover’s chest. He nuzzles Rusty’s neck, licking the sweat pooling in his collarbone; unable to form any coherent words as he whines and rocks against Rusty in wanton abandon.

Teeth bared in a grin are all he receives.

“Wait your turn,” Rusty pants. He’s thrusting, hard and erratic, and his head falls back as he nears orgasm. Rick runs his hands across his lover’s sides and chest, teasing his nipples; brushing soft and light against his abdomen.

Rusty comes with a shout, his body tensing for a few long moments before he slumps against Nikolai. His hand continues moving beneath the young, writhing Ukrainian, and it doesn’t take long at all before Nik is coming as well, bucking and crying out around Gilbert’s cock. Rick nearly cries with him, tugging and pulling at Rusty like an impatient child, his dick almost painfully erect.

Rusty growls and pulls out of Nikolai with a wet sound that is nearly stifled by the noise of Gilbert, ever vocal, screaming his release into his lover’s mouth. But Rick barely notices because Rusty’s slamming him against the lockers and grinding their bodies together, and all he knows is the scent and feel of Rusty enveloping him.

“Rusty,” he moans as his lover attacks his neck with lips and teeth, shoving against his roaming hands. Rusty wraps his fingers around the base of Rick’s cock, pumping slow and steady and not at all the quick pace Rick wanted.

“Rusty, please,” he begs desperately. “Please, please…”

“Rick,” Rusty growls into his lover’s shoulder. He sinks his teeth into the soft flesh, stroking hard and fast and Rick’s coming again with a strangled scream, blissfully uncaring of the amused, sated snickers that can be heard from the direction of Gilbert and Nik. It’s back to just him and Rusty, his whole world centered on the Czech defenseman as his knees buckle and Rusty catches him in his arms. His vision’s a white haze and he couldn’t be happier, wrapping his arms around his lover’s neck with a contented sigh.

Rusty lowers them both to the ground, Rick’s back pressed against his chest as they lean exhaustedly against the lockers. There’s the warm swipe of a tongue across his hip, and Rick opens his eyes to see Gilbert lapping away the cum on his chest and belly. The sight is sinfully erotic, but Rick closes his eyes with a tired moan.

Rusty chuckles and kisses his neck.

“Had enough?”

“Yes. No. Uhnno…”

Gilbert laughs against his ribs. When the pressure of him leaves, Rick opens his eyes again to see the younger Canadian wrapped in Nikolai’s arms. The two are exchanging gentle nips and kisses, soft murmured endearments in French and Russian and English breathed against slick skin. When a quiet mutter in Czech is slipped in beneath the many languages being quietly spoken, Rick perks up and pays attention.

<”Don’t start without me again,”> Rusty orders, biting his earlobe for emphasis.

But as Rick watches his two teammates embrace each other lovingly, thinking of what the four of them have just done, an impudent grin spreads across his face.

<”I make no guarantees.”>

@ team: columbus blue jackets, gilbert brule, rick nash, nikolai zherdev, rostislav klesla, rating: nc-17, * pwp

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