kink_bingo fill: The Problem With Twins (confined/caged)

Jun 01, 2010 02:43

Title: The Problem With Twins
Rating: PG
Prompt: confined/caged
Players: Jared Boll/Ryan Russell & Derek Dorsett(POV)/Kris Russell
Content notes: implied incest


Anticipation curled in my gut as soon as I heard the door open. Even though he’d only been gone for a little over an hour, the jingle of Jared’s keys was a welcome sound. When he walked into the den his face was flushed, like he’d taken the stairs up to the apartment two at a time, and his gaze immediately found my own.

“Have they…”

I shook my head.

“It’s been quiet since you left.”

“Well, that’s something at least,” Jared muttered. But I could see the tension in his body language, in the way he flexed his fingers at his sides. I knew that same expectancy well enough-while he was gone I’d sat in the den with my ears open, alert for any sound from the bedroom. Any noise to indicate distress would have been instantly attended to. But there had been nothing but silence; a welcome reprieve from the previous week.

The problem with twins-

Well. Innately, there are no problems with twins.

The problem with the Russell twins was that they were completely, impossibly, annoyingly playful-to the point of wanton disregard for their lovers’ sensibilities. I had moved in with Jared and Kris because whenever Ryan came to Columbus, the four of us would inevitably be together anyway. Neither I nor Jared had been incredibly startled when Ryan and Kris would be draping all over each other-we both knew that, individually, the two were kinky beyond all measure. We hadn’t gone so far as to compare notes, but whenever Kris wandered out into the living room with red wrists and a blissed-out demeanor, we’d inevitably shared a wry, knowing look.

The problem with the Russell twins was that they were fucking insatiable.

A week of teasing and not-so-subtle hints that a foursome should be attempted-to the point of the two trying to fake being each other, which lasted about five seconds before the ruse was found out-had been the breaking point for Jared and I. So, they needed to be punished.

“Think they’ve learned their lesson?” I asked, arching an eyebrow. Jared grinned, wryly.

“Probably not. But they’ve been in there long enough.”

I left my magazine on the couch-something on sticks, or maybe gear; I hadn’t really been looking at it-and climbed to my feet, padding after Jared as he headed to his bedroom. He stood in the doorway, hand on his hip as I slipped in beside him.

The cage was large. It was a sleek, slightly-menacing thing, constructed of sturdy steel bars and a smooth finished base for the floor. It collapsed easily enough for transportation-a good thing, since Jared and I swapped it between our rooms regularly.

Like I said. Kris and Ryan were kinky.

They were also, at that moment, curled up in the cage together; a tangle of limbs within the locked bars. The cage was large, but it wasn’t large enough to allow them extensive comfort: Kris’ head rested on Ryan’s calf, Ryan’s face tucked into his brother’s hip, the two of them end-to-end within their confines. They were like a pair of puppies, intertwined and inseparable. As we looked on Kris raised his head, blinking at us in sleepy incomprehension.

I nodded at Jared, and as he pulled out his key-we both had a copy-I went over, slipping my hand through the bars. I cupped Kris’ cheek in my palm, and he nuzzled into my hand.

“Ready to come out?” I asked, glancing over at Ryan as well. They both nodded, quiet and subdued, and Kris pressed a soft kiss against my wrist.

I watched as Jared opened the door, keeping my hand on Kris’ skin. Ryan shifted in his direction, letting Jared gather him in his arms and pull him from the cage. As Jared carried his lover to their bed, I crouched at the cage opening.

“C’mere, kitten,” I murmured, stretching out my arm, waiting for Kris to come. His features were set in a grimace, hissing as cramped muscles protested as he crawled to me. I pulled him close and he tucked his face against my neck as I lifted him, bearing him over to the bed and depositing him next to Ryan. Jared was already running his hands over Ryan’s body, helping him stretch out his limbs with only minor groans and mumbling whines.

Kris looked up at me as I laid him down, his eyes half-lidded; compliant. I stroked my thumb across his cheek even as I dropped my other hand down to his thigh, rubbing at sore muscles that had been kept in one position too long. He lowered his gaze, contrite without speaking, apologizing with the rub of his cheek against my palm.

“Next time, ask,” I said, Jared making a sound of agreement next to me. “Don’t push us like that.”

I glanced over at Jared, who looked at me with a wicked glint in his eyes. That was the only warning I had before his hand was cupping the back of my neck, pulling me over to press our lips together. I couldn’t help but grin, then; leaning into his mouth and making the kiss as utterly filthy as possible, tongues battling, teeth clashing. When we pulled apart we both were panting, and as I looked back at Kris his mouth was open in shock.

“…that’s just not fair,” Ryan muttered, shifting up to grab Jared back to him, his breath hissing between his teeth in pain. “We’re sore, dammit.”

“Guess you both will just have to wait, then,” Jared smirked.

I dropped my gaze back to Kris, who was looking at me with dark, heavy eyes. And, very deliberately, he licked his lips.

I had a feeling they wouldn’t wait very long.

ryan russell, @ team: columbus blue jackets, jared boll, * kink_bingo, rating: pg, derek dorsett, kris russell

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