Takahashi Ryu Kojo(introduction line) collections in Enbujo(for recording purpose)
Thank you for all the Japanese bloggers who is not a fan of Ryu but get interested in his Kojo and put them into their blog.
名前の由来は竜のように逞しく育つように でもガタイは一向に逞しくなりません 高橋竜
My name came from the wish to be robust like Dragon, but my body doesn't get robust. Takahashi Ryu.
My name, Ryu, sounds so gallant, but my body doesn't get gallant. Takahashi Ryu.
世界を代表する華奢なB-BOY 高橋竜
The representative of slight-bodied-b-boy in the world, Takahashi Ryu.
どうも、今井翼です あ、似てないや 高橋竜
Hello, I am Imai Tsubasa. Well, doesn't sound like him.... Takahashi Ryu.
タッキー&高橋で、T&T.......ふふっ、ちがうかっ 高橋竜
Tackey and Takahashi makes T&T.....fufufu, maybe not. Takahashi Ryu
がりまっちょでもほそまっちょでもありません ただのがりです 高橋竜
I'm not gari-maccho(thin-muscular), nor hoso-maccho(skinny-muscular), just gari(thin). Takahashi Ryu
It seems that Ryu wants to be muscular, and also a member of T&T.
And Shota, who was injured on the first day, came back to the stageXD
Don't get hurt anymore, PLEASE. T_T
Good luck to They Budo, M.A.D., and all members of the Takizawa Enbujo company.
Ryu holding Tackey's costume in "yaoya-oshichi."