I know I was supposed to post this like a month or two ago, preferably on MJ's b'day...but alas. One thing lead to another and it just couldn't be done on time. However, here I am with the amazing MJ coincidence story! YAY!
Before you start thinking this is a fan-fic, it's not. This is a hilarious thing that happened to me, that I thought I'd share with the Arashi community on LJ, cause only you guys could understand...lol!
Me and MJ once had the same ring! YES! The same one...or maybe slightly different if you REALLY want to look into the details...
But here's how the story goes. FLASHBACK to 6 years ago, I was at Navy Pier in Chicago when I was in grade 10 and I saw this AWESOME sterling silver skull ring. So being the rebellious rock-phased punk rocker wannabe that I was, I bought it in a flash!
FLASHFORWARD to 6 years from then, and I'm googling "MJ interview translations" and come across this awesome 10000 word interview with all the original scans and pictures. As I was scrolling through and reading with content, I came across the picture. The picture.
It's the close-up of MJ's face and hands. He's wearing this furry-white looking sweater and his hand has a ring on it. You guessed it, the skull ring.
Don't know what I'm talking about? Check out the pics below!
First comes the ring that I bought those 6 years ago, and then MJ's interview pic:
The even crazier thing? This interview happened around 2005-2006, around the same time that I bought this ring! So intense...back then when I knew nothing about MJ or Arashi, I was somehow in a weird way still.....connected?
Anywho, let me know your thoughts all! (And yes, I know if you look REALLLYYYY closely, there are some slight differences in the ring. But hey, they're pretty darn close, and a girl can dream. Haha!)