Nov 16, 2007 12:53
Well so far I have had...
Nothing from my friends (i wasn't expecting gifts but a nice card perhaps.... oh well i know they're all busy with work and uni so its probs slipped their minds) though Kiwi got me a really cute ratty and took me to see ratatoullie which was really nice!
A card from one grandma saying, and I quote 'just to remind you I'm still alive', one from another saying that she's lonely which made me feel really guilty that I don't write and she lives miles away from her family in holland. and one from my aunt and another from my grandfather... a parcel has arrived from mum which has a book inb it.. though what one I don't know.
this year i'm totally unexcited about my birthday.. what with being broke well its hardly going to be eventful tomorrow I'm going shopping for a pair of new PJ's and then off to archery with a homecooked meal after which will be nice as its not being cooked by me!
I think im feeling all a bit lame by it as last year was my 21st and I had a huge meal with my family and mates, and I had a party while dressed as a drunk fairy and on top of that on my actualy b'day I had a ratty meet and mucho giggles and pizza ensued.. so I spose I've had more than enough parties last year to mean that this one is a quiet one. I just wish my friends and family could be here.
on the plus side today I have done and hours yoga just about to have lunch and then do lazy witch in the afternoon! I'm also making my xmas pressies this year so I need to decide what to give who! I've already tided the bedroom and done three loads of washing updated my organiser etc so things are looking good.
right off to slob in front of the TV with some pasta n' sauce!
lazy witch,