
Jan 19, 2010 18:56

full name: Rshi (rishi)
age: ranges, but middle age is usually fine
gender: male
height: 6' 3"
hair: dark
eyes: gold/hazelish
skin: medium tan
piercing: both ears are stretched a little

Clothes: His clothes usually consist of loose or wrapped robes, often with some type covering on his head. The fabrics are usually muted in color with natural hues and textures. He often keeps charms around his neck (dried beans, seeds, keys, bones, and coins, etc.) The ones he rarely removes are: a beaded string with three keys and a spider-web pendant. His clothes look dusty, dirty, a little ragged, and he might be using his staff to hoist a bag. He has baggy striped pants, blue and red alternating and soft boots or no shoes.

Hair:  hair is dark brown in color and very long. The bottom of his hair is braided or dreaded, but not the top of his head. (yeah, yeah, sort of like a mullet) The pony-tail has small and plain beads set at various intervals and patterns though he usually keeps the strands bound-up together. His hair is wild and curly at the top and tends to stick up and get tangled.

Build: He is very tall and lanky and his height exceeds that of many people around him. This further accentuates his odd posture and sweeping movements. Rshi is strong, but he is not big. He's strong in a 'tai chi' way.

Face: He has a down-turned and broad nose and his eyes are sleepy looking. he has very bad teeth and a broad grin to match, though he will often smile with his mouth closed. Rshi almost always has some from of lazily groomed facial hair and bushy sideburns. he might have some zits, too.

Personality: could easily be dismissed as a crazy guy from the desert. He has is own backward wisdom (which usually isn't too helpful) and his sense of humor is never lacking. He is laid-back and casual in his mannerisms and expression. always seems to have his head half in the clouds. He will tend to give away any money he has to the first beggar who asks, which is frustrating to any traveling companions he might have. He is terribly slow to anger or panic, and often any defensive/offensive reaction has to be provoked thoroughly and is executed nearly too late. Rshi never wants to fight, ever; some would call him a coward for this. He hates to be called a coward, but even the slinging of such terms would not draw him into a fight. He holds deep respect for the natural world and every person he encounters, whether they merit it or not. He also has made a strange vow to help those who ask, and this gets him into trouble frequently enough. he will often pantomime things rather than say them outright, and sometimes his body language can be sarcastic despite a genuine look on his face. he is usually laughing with you, not at you, but people don't always interpret this in the best way.

Likes: cactus-tea, wind, stories, dancing, sleeping, smoking, nature
Dislikes: running (but he's damn fast), fighting

More Info: he is primarily a healer, and a highly skilled one at that, but he often carries around a stick and a bola and can use both as weapons with a decent amount of skill. Still, he is never the tank of any group and he is realistic about this. He has very good balance, but somehow he still manages to be clutzy at inopportune times. He is a  fraud of a pilgrim, only following the pilgrimage roads along the east coast for the sights and sounds. Eventually he becomes the keeper of a hidden library and waterwell in the remote desert, spending his time re-scribing dilapidated copies of histories and myths. He is also a guide for travelers in this part of the desert as he must restrain the winds for passage. He'll talk the ear off of / listen intently to anyone who happens by, for visitors are few and they always have interesting business.

Reference Art (by me)//

[Rupal with Rshi]
[a slightly older-looking rshi]
[Rupal sneaking up on him]
[he's been startled]
[talking to the wind]
[rshi's smoking up in his tent]
[rshi and amro]
[traveling with rupal]
[amro's sentiments toward rshi]
[fighting sketch]
[swimming with Rupal]
[height chart including Rshi]
[illustration line work]
[a doofy comic]
[he's really lazy]
[Chibi Rupal and Rshi]

Guest art//

[PE round 78] by [Myre]
[PE sketchbook lite 2009] by [Blitterbug]
[PE sketchbook lite 2009] by [Isskottr]
[PE sketchbook lite 2009] by [Sarah Petrulis]
[PE round 83] by [Manamaraya]
[PE chibi round] by [Manamaraya]
[PE gift love] by [Skardash]
[PE round 89] by [Toktobis
[PE swimsuit design] by [Narbs
[PE Sketchbook Lite 2010] by [Mana]
[A lovely sketch trade] by [Sarah Petrulis]
[Beautiful art card] by [PhoenixElement/Amy Clark]
[Valentines LR] by [Herisheft]
[Free sketch portrait] by [Sarah Petrulis]

rishi, profile

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