I literally do not have words. Not polite ones anyway.

Jun 07, 2012 22:42

This is not one of those asshat attempts to be coy and get you guys to feign care for my life and ask about what's wrong, I really cannot rationally discuss it now and when I can I have someone who I will talk to. I just don't want to alarm my mother by screaming my frustration and I have to do SOMETHING.

I am so fucking glad I take after my mother's side of the family and not my father's like the rest of my siblings. Because right now? I kind of don't like them very much.

At all.

*bleepitybleepbleep*, family: can't live w/'em&can't kill 'em, there is not enough prozac in the world, #%@$#&!#$%@!, today would be much easier if i drank, and by 'evil' i mean 'stupid', you wouldn't like me when i'm angry, *twitch*, *hates*, more ridiculous than aliens invading, one of those days i get all: killey, invasion of the flopping dickweasels

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