Apr 21, 2012 02:04

Here we go people. This is really happening.

I thought about starting a new blog just for my sewing projects but, eh, there are already far too many blogs out there. My LJ will work for this.

(Plus all the people I know who sew are on here so it seems pointless and rude to make them go elsewhere to see what I'm doing. I dislike being pointless and rude.)

I'm going with the "pics or it didn't happen" motto for this so prepare yourself for a dazzling array of candid shots of my epic fails and triumphs as we go along.

All mah swag.

Materials for two aprons I can use in my future classrooms. I actually bought all this stuff MONTHS ago, but then life happened. Figure it's as good a place as any to begin.

This is the specific apron I'll be making in two different fabric patterns. I don't know if this exact size they have will fit me perfectly in the bust, so I'm going to make the first one as the directions say and then I might try altering it on the second one. I know there's probably a better way to do this, but I'm just learning. It will be valuable experience if nothing else. :D

Stuff I bought just the other day. All but the book was half off so I was able to buy more than I expected with the budget I had set. And it's all pink because pink is the shiznitz so I won't get it mixed up with my mom's or my sister's stuff! (Not that I'm keeping it in the same place, but whatever.)

That is a genuine Ginsu knife. It was required to get into the packaging for my scissors. Seriously. WTF.

I wasn't going to actually do anything tonight, but then I was like I'LL JUST OPEN THE PACKAGE AND LOOK AT THE STUFF INSIDE.

Then all of a sudden BAM!

Patterns were cut out. IDEK how that happened. Okay I do and my fingers and back have a lot to say about it.

I cut reeeeeeally slowly because that shit is fragile and I didn't want to mess it up. Also, curves are hard, yo.

So, first night of work and I'm already through the flailing over my new shinies and devouring the inserts and cutting out the patterns.

NEXT UP: CUTTING THE CHEESE omj gross maja wtf? hahahahah i teach elementary school that shit is gold. FABRIC. WHEE!

shiiiiiiny!, rimshot, ohmychuck!, i use too many tags/this is one of them, i did it for the lulz, stop! hammertime., *twirls*, one of those days i get all: creative, brb gonna cut a bitch kthxbai, *spazzes flails and dies*, *runs screaming into a wall face first*, is that a thing? i'm making it a thing., escuse me have you seen my marbles?, we are so happy we do the dance of joy!, wtf maja are you on drugs?, one of those days i get all: sanguine, goals i haz them, *seal clap*, zomj!!!!!, \o/, pics or it didn't happen, project: make it sew!, *dances*, reasons i belong in a nuthouse, all your world are belong to me, *dolphin noises*, dear stars they're gonna let me teach, killed ded by the awesome

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