My brain-mouth filter is clogged with phlegm. You're welcome.

Apr 07, 2012 01:19

Dear body,

Let's just stop with the mucus production, okay? We don't have any storage space for it since SOMEONE got distracted and forgot to put in upper sinuses (Yeah, DNA, I'm looking at YOU.), and after a week of this we're only getting sicker. Give up already. It's snot helping.



P.S. I totally did this whole thing for that one joke. Oh stars. Why am I allowed on the internet again?

waitwhut?, stop! hammertime., stand back--she might asplode, *hiding in the panic room*, does not want, *runs screaming into a wall face first*, *dies laughing*, is that a thing? i'm making it a thing., reasons i belong in a plastic bubble, via ljapp, i choose the internetz b/c rl sux, whine and cheese hour on the patio, *facepalm*, \o/, i feel pukey, *headdesk*, kill me now, dear blank/sincerely blank, rimshot, some days i miss the open ocean, *passes out*, i use too many tags/this is one of them, notquitethinkythoughts, i overshare because i overcare, i can't blame this on alcohol, wtf maja are you on drugs?, and then? i totally fainted., call me mary. typhoid mary., okay random, brb have to go die now, companion in waiting, sick as a dog, i'll be here all week

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