If the universe offers to buy you a drink, SAY NO.

Oct 14, 2009 16:40

So, I have seen references to something recently and my curiosity was piqued and so I went looking for a better explanation.

What did I find?

The Milky Way Galaxy tastes of raspberries, smells of rum, and contains cyanide.

Lots and lots of cyanide, actually.  More than enough to take down a person, I'm sure.

Which, I presume, is the point of the raspberry flavoring and rum.  So you don't notice until it's too late.

If I owned a bar or other establishment that served alcohol, I would be right now adding an item to our menu: The Milky Way.

It would be composed of rum with raspberry flavoring.

I'd probably leave the cyanide out.

Except for the really annoying customers.

just when you think it's safe..., geekout, reasons i belong in a nuthouse, food, raspberries and rum you say?, the internets saves the day again!

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