This is not Photobucket. It's LJ. *repeats to herself again and again*

Oct 09, 2009 22:59

So, in the interest of doing more with my LiveJournal than using it as a duplicate Photobucket, I'm going to try and start posting more about Things That Interest Me.

We'll start with Supernatural. :D

Specifically, the episode last night.

First, yayhands for the ever awesome cast and crew who bring joy to my Thursday nights. \o/

I love The Boys and I love The Crew and I am just overall full of fangirlish joy that it all came together in this fantastic medium of television.

Things I loved about last night?

A return of the humor!  Okay, so this season hasn't been totally without humor, but, like Dean last week, it's been a while since I have laughed that hard. (At Supernatural anyway.)

Jensen's spot on delivery of the Abe Lincoln spoof was one of the best ones, but just . . . yeah.  Overall I was reminded more and more of the Dean of Seasons Past (Season 1 specifically) with his delightful wit and sense of timing.

(This is busy?  It's 4:30.)

(For a Smurf.)

(The *ENTIRE* dialogue with the faux-Little Bastard.)

(Hey, world's smallest violin, pal. I spent the afternoon up Christine's skirt!  I needed a drink.)

(Dude was wearing a sombrero?)

(Let me get this straight. Your, uh, ultimate hero was not only a short man in diapers, but he was also a fruitarian?)

(Dean's usual lack of subtlety that both creeps out the locals and reinforces his 'not the brightest star in the sky' facade.)

Other things I loved about Dean this week:

Fanboying the car! Dean, my man, you have GREAT taste in vehicles and in iconic Americans and . . . just in general. :D

Paranoia that the car was gonna kill him, constantly checking to see if it was gonna fall.

Just generally being awesome and HOT.

Not that Sam was a slouch in the humor department. (Or the HOT department.)

Popping under the car to scare Dean, his reaction to the 'House of Wax' comment, and his jab at Dean for getting his ass kicked by Paris Hilton were all pure Sammy comedic gold.

And he had lots of other good moments, too.

Playing the foreign language card (though I was sad that he was only slightly passable.  Come on, Sam, you can recite Latin like you can and a little Espanol is too much?)

RETURN OF THE FUGLY NECK!LOVE! \o/ Who doesn't love some good ol' Sammy!choking? :D

And staring down Lincoln, this leaving Gandhi the perfect opening to try and take him down.

Speaking of which, I have to say, Sam, that while I loved how you teased Dean about getting his ass beat by Paris, uh, I'm not actually sure you have room to talk.

As Dean so eloquently pointed out earlier in the episode you got yours beat by a diaper wearing FRUITARIAN. One that's like, half your size and probably a third your muscle mass.

And what? Twice your age?

*shakes head* Dude, the strikes are really stacking up here.

Paris at least had manicured nails and spiked heels and some height to her, you know? Plus the rich bitch-factor which always gives her a slight advantage in a fight.

Take it from me: girls? They fight dirty.

No, if anyone lost any dignity in this episode from their fighting opponents, it was definitely you, Sam.

Especially since your attacker? Was a pacifist.

*points and laughs* Epic fail, Sam. Epic fail.

EDIT: Oh, and this isn't the first time this has happened either.

That's two-and-oh right there, buddy. I think you need to lay off the jokes until you reclaim your manhood and stop getting pwned by really pathetic opponents, gods or not.

It would only work if Dean had never taken on a pagan god before.

Dean took on Paris and Mr. Anti-Clause.

*pats Dean on the back and gives him pai for retaining his manliness*

One of my absolute FAVORITE parts of the episode this week?


Okay, so it's mostly one scene, but still.  For all the time that the boys spend in suits, there is a distressing scarcity of Boys in Suits Sans Jackets With Sleeves Rolled Up.


(Almost.  Let's not get carried away here.)

This is almost as epic as The Maroon Button Down from Dean's wardrobe of early SPN.

This is on the same level of epicness as Dean's Blue Dress Shirt and Slacks from What Is and What Should Never Be.


It needs to be fixed, Eric.  With a quickness.

I was also pleasantly surprised by the way the boys interacted in public together.

For all the angst when they were alone, they were very, very old school SamnDean in public, handling the locals and such.  It warmed my little fangirl heart and gave me hope that all is not lost. :D

Sadly, there were also some bad things in this episode.

I was actually pleased with the angst between the brothers as an immediate return to S1-2 SamnDean would have been horribly tacky and not at all deserving of being on Show.

Which is not to say some of it wasn't still horrible and/or tacky.

For instance, Sam's attempt to excuse his behavior in S4 with the Ruby-over-Dean choicemakings.

"I wanted to get away from you because you were bossy"?

Sorry.  No.

I could have accepted many, many ends to that sentence.  This is not one of them.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Dean spent most of S4 drunk and/or trapped in a nightmare about Hell, right?

When the hell did he have time to be bossy?

Okay, yeah, he did make a comment or two (or maybe more) about how Sam needed to lay off Ruby.  And the demon!blood.  And just generally being an asshole.

But otherwise . . .

Like, I said, I would have accepted everything about that excuse if there had been a better end.

For instance:

I wanted to get away from you because you were drunk and stinky.

I wanted to get away from you because you were depressingly emo and I didn't know what to do with myself since you stole my role.

I wanted to get away from you because you were wearing plaid like me and I just can't take the Bobbsey Twins comments anymore.

I wanted to get away from you because you were sharing waaaaaaay too much about your sex life prior to Hell.

I wanted to get away from you because you were really clingy and everyone still thought we were gay.


Bossy just didn't fit there for me.

However, lest you think I am showing too much of my Dean-girl side and giving Sammy too much grief, let it be known I am far more upset with Dean's mistake in that conversation:

His comment about 'and we all know who started that'.

Surprisingly, the comment itself is not what bothers me.  I pretty much expected that.

I would also have expected him to pretend that he didn't know Sam heard it when Sam brought it up.

I would have expected him to refuse to discuss it.

I did NOT expect him to reply with "Pretend or don't pretend. Whatever floats your boat."


And here I was just thinking about how awesome it is that Dean still manages to be so forgiving after everything that has happened to him in his little life.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not upset by this for the same reason I am upset at Sam.  I honestly disagree with the wording of Sam's flub.  It felt wrong to me, out of place.

In Dean's case it is more disappointment in Dean--and in myself.

I guess I was expecting far more recovery on Dean's part than there has been.  I get where he's coming from and all and I don't blame him, but even if I think there should be some slowness to the pace of resolution and reunification of Team Winchester, I guess my little fangirl heart was hoping it wouldn't be THAT slow.

My other complaint is more with the writers than with the characters.

I was srsly not pleased with the return of dumb!Dean. I mean, come on. We know he never went to college and apparently he only got the GED, but it seems pretty obvious to me that those were both caused by the circumstances of his life and not his lacking mental capacity or abilities.



He has quoted or at least referenced some fairly high level authors (Vonnegut anyone?) and he REBUILT HIS FREAKING CAR FROM ALMOST SCRAP.

This is not a stupid man, no matter what he himself says.

I'm trying to think of it as more about punishing Sam and making him do grunt work, but it's hard.


My one consolation is the apparent acquisition of a laptop for BOTH brothers.

I have a sneaking suspicion it had more to do with  Dean and pron and Sammy not wanting to have to reformat his hard drive so often, but still.


If it vanishes again, there will be blood.




Despite my little issues, however, I am overall muchly pleased with the episode and the course this season is taking and very much looking forward to the rest of it.

Especially with the OMJ*MINDBLOWN* epicness of the teaser at the end. :D

episode: review, character: supernatural: smart!dean, character: supernatural: pwned!sammy, damn you lj-cut, spn: 4.05 fallen idol, wardrobe!, are you listening to me eric?

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