NaNoWriMo Report/Word Count: Day 5

Nov 06, 2011 09:33

DAILY GOAL: 1667 words
DAILY COUNT: 2364 words
CUMULATIVE COUNT: 12,165 words

Forgot again yesterday. oops. But I did a lot of writing, so I guess that's okay.

Actually I did a LOT of writing, more than my word count up there reflects. I had started an anon meme fill just before October ended (before I decided to do NaNo) and I don't want to let my readers down and stop because I have my doubts about my ability to start again. And I had already started it, so using it FOR my NaNo seemed like cheating, so I decided to keep doing it AND do NaNo as a separate story.

I'm insane, I know.


In fact, besides my two major projects, I've also written several short one-shots (and a few not-so-short one shots as well.) I haven't written this much this quickly in... probably a year. Maybe more. Ugh.

Between the two stories and another short one I popped out in the evening, I wrote probably close to 10,000 words yesterday alone.

The upside is that now I remember what I love about writing so much. The apathy I've felt that's kept my keyboard silent and my pencils undulled has gone and I am feeling SO AWESOME ABOUT IT. VIVE LA NANOWRIMO! \o/

waitwhut?, thinky-thoughts, internets r a huge waste of time-but fun, the internets saves the day again!, ohmychuck!, why i love fandom, *twirls*, stand back--she might asplode, *runs screaming into a wall face first*, *spazzes flails and dies*, escuse me have you seen my marbles?, we are so happy we do the dance of joy!, goals i haz them, this is why i write, winged bears? it's the end times!, zomj!!!!!, \o/, i'm sort of freaking out, *dances*, reasons i belong in a nuthouse, i can haz explanashun?, srslywtf?, project: nanowrimo, i did it for the lulz, no i don't have anything better to do., i can't blame this on alcohol, candycanes and lollipops for all! \o/, wtf maja are you on drugs?, and then? i totally fainted., *win*, all your world are belong to me, killed ded by the awesome, i know where i've been

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