In the end, all that matters are what pants you're wearing. Or, not as the case may be.

Jul 15, 2011 01:34

I'm still awake. This is bad.

(The title of this post should not be taken as a current status update or make any sense whatsoever. Insomnia and logic are not bedmates. HA! I MADE A FUNNY! xD)

As mentioned in a recent post, my life sort of exploded in the last week. Not necessarily in bad ways, but just... yeah. Lots of changes and things happening and ever more adding on each day.

In that spirit, I should be sleeping because I have no idea when my phone is going to ring tomorrow or who will be on the other end needing what.

Or later today, I guess.

Despite this, I can't sleep. Partially because I napped this evening and so my body's all WHEEE ENERGY YAY!!!1!11! \o/ Trying to explain that the cake energy rush is a lie is not working.

The other part of it is probably stress my brain is trying desperately to pretend is overexaggerated and therefore totes not worth paying attention to. :P Except the big strong box it's locked all that worry in is not made of Lexan but glass and some hairline cracks are starting to show in the black spray paint that's supposed to conceal the contents.

Plus, the dream I had during that nap I had was one of my weirdest yet (and compared to my normal REM adventures, that's saying something) and that's a SURE sign my brain is trying to distract me from reality. People locked in rubber rooms would urge me to seek counselling if they'd seen my dream.

That doesn't mean I'm not being productive in my insomnia, but I should still be trying to sleep and working on things during normal daylight hours probably.

Sigh. -_-;

In other random news, I had a free mo' a day a week a month? not too long ago thanks to one of my courses requiring I take breaks and happened to catch the first episode of Falling Skies. Noah Wyle is another adorable geek and this time he's fighting aliens in Massachusetts. It's fabulous. Go watch it.

rl haz kidnapped me--halp!, raspberries and rum you say?, there is not enough prozac in the world, project: night ops, internets r a huge waste of time-but fun, some days i miss the open ocean, rattlers in my stomach, notquitethinkythoughts, all skool & no sleep makes maja- -_-zzzz, stand back--she might asplode, all tags may not apply i just like them, snark is my anti-drug, *runs screaming into a wall face first*, our doom is at hand!, escuse me have you seen my marbles?, wtf maja are you on drugs?, i choose the internetz b/c rl sux, life experience is good for you--no rly, goals i haz them, and then? i totally fainted., brb have to go die now, winged bears? it's the end times!, there are evils in your cheerios!!! =o, for narnia! ... i mean... camelot!, colors of the wind, i'm sort of freaking out, reasons i belong in a nuthouse, fandom: falling skies, seaworld will have its revenge, school is 4 losers (and toys'r'us kids), i know where i've been

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