It's not that it snapped the bungee cord on my suspension of disbelief...

Jan 09, 2011 15:50's that I was handed a package of Silly Bandz and asked to jump into the Grand Canyon.

This is taking 419 emails scams to a new level. Apparently I just won £3,000,000. From the FBI.


Yes, that's right. The US government is now using a law enforcement agency to hand out lottery-like winnings in British money.

And they can't just send me a check, they need me to send them my bank information. Because the FBI has NO IDEA where I live or where I bank or where every last penny of my money has gone for my ENTIRE ADULT LIFE.

*facepalm, headdesk, razorwrist, knifeheart*

remind me to kill you later, *cries*, waitwhut?, some days i miss the open ocean, i fear for humanity's future. thanks., just when you think it's safe..., and by 'evil' i mean 'stupid', *runs screaming into a wall face first*, *dies laughing*, our doom is at hand!, *facepalm*, winged bears? it's the end times!, there are evils in your cheerios!!! =o, zomj!!!!!, *iz confused*, dumb people are funny, lolz r good 4 soul/bad 4 pants, killed ded by the awesome, *headdesk*, some people's kids

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