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lifewaters July 9 2009, 14:26:07 UTC
Dood... sounds like you have rotten luck with it *stabs LJ for ya*

Is weird though, I never have it happen. Usually I get rotten luck if it's there to get. I dunno, maybe 'cause I post/edit 'em as html?


Or maybe it just can sense your awesome and is jealous?


windscryer July 9 2009, 16:47:39 UTC
I tweak it in HTML because I have no choice.

*grumbles about wandering tags*

But since I do a lot of picture posting mostly, and those in tables, it really is generally easier to use the rich text.

And I don't think it's that it senses my awesome so much as it fears *you*. That's why it always works for you. :D


lifewaters July 9 2009, 16:58:47 UTC
Hahaha.. it fears me, what?... weird... Haha! ;)

Though I would sic Patches and Winston on it if it ate a blurb or something.

But yeah. I'm oddly obsessive about html edit. If it's an option I use it exclusively. And hey, tables are like... easy staple of basic html. Until you start getting into CSS and using divs and stuff with positioning to replace 'em.

*twitch* I hated that switch for 'accepted coding norm' because positioning junk isn't as universal as tables. You have to write different friggin' code to kick in when someone's in IE or firefox, and sometimes it goes wonky /anyway/ thanks to screen resolution and the fact there's other browsers out there and you can't even hope to test 'em all. *falls over dead*

Sorry.. coding rant.


windscryer July 9 2009, 17:09:34 UTC
LOL No worries. I totally know what you mean. I *can* code in HTML because I am just enough of a geek to have learned it for fun a few years back. But if I have a WYSIWYG editor I usually use it instead because I am LAAAAZY. :D

(And I don't even think about other browsers. It drives me insane. I just live my happy delusion that everyone is smart enough to use Firefox like me. :D)


lifewaters July 9 2009, 17:24:55 UTC
Hahaha, yey for lazy. I wish I could do it. But my brain starts screaming at me when I try... because I will inevitably click to just look at the code and cringe... and curl into a ball... *shudder*

And I wish I could pretend the other browsers don't exist. It's been a while since I've made a site layout, but the last site I made a layout for was a pet site with over 1000 members. The majority of whom would have started whining and crying that the site wasn't working. They whined enough about losing their pretty old layout as it was *eyeroll* (the old layout was a veeery simple table setup that was as old as the site)


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