
Sep 10, 2010 16:56

Had to send FAB1 into the shop for a repair on the fan. Hopefully it's just a reseating of the part and/or cleaning and not a replacement, because I don't think I can justify more than $125 worth of repairs on a $250 computer. Until then, I'm scratching away on my old laptop (until the motherboard overheats and shuts down, anyway).

I'm not COMPLETELY disconnected, obviously, but my online activities will have to be severely curtailed to try to extend my time before said overheating and shutting down occurs.

This may be the longest week of my life. -_-;

And that includes both Smurf Week and Hell Service Week in Boot Camp. *whimper*

*cries*, *sadface*, there is not enough prozac in the world, fml, some days i miss the open ocean, stand back--she might asplode, halp!, *hates*, brb gonna cut a bitch kthxbai, *runs screaming into a wall face first*, our doom is at hand!, i will always be a united states sailor, ;_;, winged bears? it's the end times!, there are evils in your cheerios!!! =o, i'm sort of freaking out, bring on the rain!, reasons i belong in a nuthouse, you wouldn't like me when i'm angry, *headdesk*

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