Roses Are Red, Chocolates Are White, [T] Lassiter/Juliet, Shawn

Aug 17, 2010 03:17

Title: Roses Are Red, Chocolates Are White
Collection: Dress Blues and Gold Badges
Rating: T
Characters/Pairings: Lassiter/Juliet, Shawn
Warnings: language, Lassiter-flavored fluff, regulation infringement, intra-departmental fraternization, crossing the ship line into unfamiliar territory
Genres: Romance, Het
Chapters: 1
Completed: They're all standalone one-shots, so... sort of?
Word count: 1946
Disclaimer: *eyebrow arch* Really? You have to ask. *shakes head*
Notes: Re-read something I wrote for Lu and the Jassie!Muse popped up and said that it gave her an idea...Ah well.

Summary: One-year anniversaries deserve a very special gift. Which is not making out, though that's pretty nice too.

She can hear the whispers and see the skipping glances and her brow furrows as she looks down at herself to make sure she didn't forget her bra or spill her coffee or something.

Nope. She looks fine.

And then she's being pulled into a hug and twirled around like a two-year-old and she can't help the surprised, "Whoa!" that is startled out of her. She grasps at the arms across her stomach, but she's set down before she has to really worry about being flung off into a wall and she turns to see Shawn grinning madly at her.

"Congrats, Jules," he says and ducks in to brush a kiss against her cheek. She rears back and gives him the hairy eyeball and he just laughs and turns her around, his hand on her shoulder giving her a gentle push.

She is still wondering what the hell is wrong with him when she sees it on her desk: A crystal vase filled with two dozen white and red roses, wreathed in baby's breath and tied with a ribbon, sitting in the middle of her blotter. A heart-shaped box is propped up against the base, tied with another ribbon. She blinks, jaw hanging open and she knows that she looks like an idiot, but she can't quite get her brain to work.

Especially since there's only one person who could have possibly sent her these and he's not exactly prone to public displays like this.

She steps closer but can't help the wary scan for anything odd or blinking or vaguely shaped like a bomb. The card is tucked into a plastic holder and she slips it free and examines the blank envelope before flipping it over to pull the card out.


Happy anniversary.


He signed it with a heart. What the hell?

She looks up at his desk and sees her partner studiously focused on his computer, typing away.

She barely contains the wild grin and smoothes down her skirt before she walks over-shutting down Shawn's happy dance over to the side with a glare before someone notices and puts two and two together.

He gives her a thumbs up and a grin and-thankfully-turns to head off Chief before she can interrupt with a new case. They don't start officially working for another seven minutes. It can wait.

Juliet crosses the last few feet to his desk and pauses for a moment until he glances up at her.

"O'Hara? Great, you're here. Did you get the file on the Benders' Auto bloater?"

He sounds so damn casual and it irks her for a moment that he can so completely shut off at work. She doesn't want to get caught, but she'd like to not be the only one struggling to contain herself. Her irritation, however, is not enough for her to change her game plan.

"Carlton, can I talk to you for a moment?"

He half turns and focuses on her.

"Of course."

She jerks her head to the side and starts walking. He rises and follows, brow furrowed, but not questioning aloud.

They disappear into the conference room-thankfully the blinds are all closed-and as soon as she hears the door click shut, she turns--and finds herself in a deep, toe-curling, back-arching, mind-melting kiss.

His hands are on her ass and it's a good thing or she'd be on the ground right about now. He maneuvers them around so he can sit on the edge of the table, but doesn't let go the entire time. She just leans her weight against him and enjoys the feeling of all that contact, even if it is dampened by clothing.

She doesn't want to stop, but she's getting light-headed and she's not sure it's just that intense feeling that curls in her belly pretty much all the time now.

They break apart and he's got his cheek pressed to hers as he pants for the oxygen they were depriving each other of. She shifts so she's half sitting in his lap and has got her nose tucked under the edge of his suit coat and inhaling the scent of his cologne and aftershave and soap all mixed together with the underlying musk that is purely him.

If she could bottle that, she'd be a millionaire.

“You make me crazy, Juliet,” he murmurs into her hair, then brushes his lips over the silken strands. “You know we can't do this.”

“You attacked me,” she points out, but the melted honey quality of her voice says she didn't mind at all.

“My point exactly,” he says, and she can feel his need to pull away. She tightens her grip and after a moment and a sigh, he relents and stays where he is.

"The roses are beautiful," she manages after a few more moments and he grunts out a laugh.

"Tell that to Spencer. He thinks he's funny."

She looks up in surprise. "You didn't..."

He grins that sexy, predatory smile of his and she bites her lip to suppress the moan-though she can't do anything about the shiver that ripples up and down her spine.

He leans forward and nuzzles her ear, then kisses the lobe, sucking it into his mouth after a moment and thoroughly working it over, catching her earring in his teeth and giving a gentle tug.

She gasps and has to grab his arms to keep from falling again.

One last flick on her lobe with the tip of his tongue and he lets go. "I did get you something for our anniversary, but it's at home waiting for you."

She leans forward to rest her forehead on his shoulder and grins, bringing one hand up to toy with his tie.

"Well then we should go get that case from the Chief and start working so we're not stuck here late tonight."

"Probably," he mutters, but he just spreads one of his hands along her neck and nudges her jaw up with his thumb until her head is tilted back. He dots kisses along her jaw until he's back at her lips and he devours her mouth in a way that has her wrapping her arms around his neck and forgetting completely about cases or psychics or presents waiting at home.

There's a half knock and then the door is opening. They jerk apart, but he just glances up and upon seeing who it is, swoops back down to deepen the kiss. It's not until it shuts again and she hears Shawn say, "Just please tell me that when I open my eyes I'm not going to be seeing any skin I wouldn't normally see," that she can relax.

Carlton growls and breaks off the kiss. She turns around, but Shawn is just standing there with one hand up to block his view, his eyes squinched shut, and a folder in the other hand.

It's yanked free and flipped open and Shawn dares to peek, lowering his hand and opening his eyes fully when he sees the coast is clear.

Juliet should really be joining her partner in scanning the file, but she's going to need just a second to scoop up her brain that's melted onto the floor and pour it back into her skull-and to put out the fire on her cheeks at being caught, even if it's Shawn and he's more than well aware of their relationship.

A napkin appears in her line of sight and she takes it and looks at Shawn, wondering where she needs it.

"No, you look fine. Reapply your lipstick and you're good to go. It's for him," he says and waves a finger at Carlton-who is, indeed, sporting a very interesting shade of Rougey Merlot on his lips. She looks back at Shawn and he puts up his hands. "I will do a lot for you two lovebirds, but I am so not going there."

She chuckles and steps forward, taking her lover's chin in her hands and wiping away the evidence as he splutters in confusion for a moment before he realizes what she's doing.

One last soft kiss and then she lets him go to return to the file.

She passes Shawn to get to the trashcan and gives his arm a squeeze. "Thank you for the flowers," she says.

"That wasn't actually my gift to you," he says.

She frowns and Carlton says, "I saw you put them on her desk, Spencer."

"Oh, no, the flowers and chocolates were from me, but that wasn’t my gift. Just the delivery method."

They both look at him with questioning expressions and he grins. "You're gonna wanna check your tie before you go out, Lassie," he says as he backs toward the door. "It's just a little loose and crooked." He winks and snaps his fingers as he clicks his tongue, then ducks out of the room.

They exchange a look and then she's chuckling and he's looking vaguely affronted and both of them are blushing.

"That little-"

"Oh Carlton, stop complaining. I don't know why we expected anything else from him," she says. She wants to kiss him again, but that would probably lead to them not getting any work done at all today and instead takes his hand. "Besides, it was a pretty nice way to start the day."

He can't deny that and acquiesces with a bob of his head to the side.

Oh screw it, she thinks and grabs his tie, dragging him down for one last deep kiss. She pulls back to see him blinking dazedly, fixes his tie, and says, "I need coffee."

She's out the door and he's left to stare and blink and clear his throat.


When he goes back out to the bullpen and finds Juliet choking on a laugh, he joins her at her desk and she shows him the note that was tucked into the inside of the lid of the chocolate box.

Roses are red,

Chocolates are white,

Have fun you crazy kids,

Just make sure you hide the bite(s)!

He scowls and then looks at the box. Instead of an arrangement of squares as one might expect, there are a row of thin plastic tubes with labels that indicate they contain chocolate in the gamut of flavors from dark to bittersweet to milk to white. He's torn between wanting to snarl and not thinking too much about the purpose of chocolate packaged in such a way when he still has an entire workday ahead of him.

Juliet just takes the note back and gives him a grin he sincerely hopes no one else is seeing or they are so going to get caught. “We really need to get that case done,” she says as she closes the box back up and tucks it in her bottom desk drawer.

He blinks rapidly and clears his throat and nods. “Right. Case.”

When Shawn joins them a few minutes later, smirking like the cat who ate the canary dipped in cream, Carlton wants to punch him in the face, chocolate pencils or no.

Juliet speaks up, asking about the case and it's with a great deal of self control that Carlton refocuses on work.

He'll figure out how to thank Spencer later.

But first maybe he and Juliet will give those chocolate pencils a try...

genre: het, character: psych: shawn spencer, team: jassie, genre: romance, category: one-shot collection: db&gb, fandom: psych, rating: t, character: psych: carlton lassiter, enticement: matchmaker!fic: shawn, enticement: established relationship!fic, category: one-shot, enticement: makeout!fic, fic: psych, pairing: lassiter/juliet, character: psych: juliet o'hara, enticement: future!fic

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