Some people's kids. I just don't get them.

Jul 06, 2010 12:44

Like people who go on YouTube and steal a video from someone else and repost it as their own. Especially when it has the original author's watermark and name all over it. And when their other videos are crappy handycam blurry pieces of shit that make it real damn clear that they couldn't make the Hollywood-quality vid they stole.

The worst part? When you call them out in comments and they delete them so the other people that watch it won't know they're a thief.

Seriously. What makes people do this?

waitwhut?, no job gives me time to plot against you, some days i miss the open ocean, i have an attack impala. your move., and by 'evil' i mean 'stupid', stand back--she might asplode, *hates*, brb gonna cut a bitch kthxbai, *runs screaming into a wall face first*, *facepalm*, *bleepitybleepbleep*, ranty rant, there are evils in your cheerios!!! =o, when fangirls attack..., i'm clever & creative. you? are fucked., you wouldn't like me when i'm angry, fuck you very much, *headdesk*, some people's kids

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