Somehow it snuck up on me again.

Feb 22, 2010 13:02

No, not the Abominable snowman.

Fanfic awards season! \o/

I've got two nominations in the Psychfic awards and apparently I'm being nominated in a Numb3rs awards.

I didn't even realize I was that well known--or known at all in that fandom, having only penned little tiny ficlets.

But anyway, thanks for the nominations and where voting is permitted, a vote is appreciated too! :D

Gratitude Is An Attitude, But Thanksgiving Is Just Murder by windscryer

Phone Tag by windscryer

(I'll admit, the second one is more embarrassing than flattering. I meant to take a ONE MONTH hiatus and write a different story in the series. It's been a year now. *headdesk*)
I'm not sure about the Numb3rs fic being nommed (or if it will even be accepted) but I'll update here when/if I find out. :D

they like me! they really like me!, awards: psychfic: 2010, awards: numb3rs: 2010, \o/, fandom: numb3rs, fandom: psych

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