
Dec 27, 2009 19:27

Title: Touch
Collection: The Long and Short of It
Rating: e
Characters/Pairings: Charlie/Amita
Warnings: PWP without the pr0n (Plot What Plot?) (Mostly without the pr0n.)
Genres: Fluff, Romance, Het, (Mostly) Pr0nless PWP (Plot? What Plot?)
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 440
Disclaimer: See Master Post.
Notes: See Master Post.

Summary: It figures that one of the few things that makes Amita come undone occurs most frequently when Charlie is in front of a classroom full of students.

She didn't think of herself as a sensory person.

She was more . . . practical than that.

"Take this coefficient here . . ."

But there were moments, when she couldn't help it.

Rationality flew out the window and was replaced by the overwhelming urge to just act.

"See how you get that? It's simple really. Now, this second integer . . ."

Still, she had to give the appearance of rationality.

She was a professional and this was a classroom full of students.

"Now add those two together . . ."

She couldn't just stand up, walk down the stairs to the front of the room, and-

She swallowed and looked away, eyes skittering over the room until they landed on her notes.

"Multiply them, then do it again . . ."

Her notes which were not about math.

Heat suffused her cheeks and she inched her textbook over to cover the scribblings.

"And then if you just . . . Amita?"

She couldn't look at him as she walked past. She couldn't.

That would be unprofessional.

"Uh . . . Will you excuse . . . Amita! Wait up!"

She stopped in the hall and waited until she heard the door click safely shut behind him.

Then she inhaled deeply.

"Amita?" He laughed lightly. "Was my lecture that-"

The rest of his question was cut off by her lips as she shoved him back against the wall and attacked his mouth.

He tensed in surprise, but only for a moment.

"Amit-" Kiss. "We shouldn't-" Kiss. "Public hallway-" Long drawn out kiss.

She pulled back and met his gaze-his glazed, unfocused, deliciously muddled gaze-and spoke.

"Charlie. If you continue to touch your hair in class every five seconds, we're going to get in a lot of trouble. Do you understand?"

He blinked at her, then jerked and focused, a slow smile curving his lips.

She couldn't help kissing him again, and he obviously didn't mind since his hands came to rest on her hips and tugged her closer.

When they broke apart again, she rested her forehead on his.

"Go. Finish your lecture before one of your students comes out here to find out where you went."

"You're not coming back in?" he said, amusement thick in his tone.

She made a strangled sound in her throat.

She straightened, smoothing down his lapels, and then forced herself to step back.

"That would be a very bad idea," she said.

His grin stretched impossibly wide and she shivered and turned, snagging her bag and walking away as fast as she could without looking like she was in full retreat.

character: numb3rs: charlie eppes, genre: plot what plot (no pr0n), genre: fluff, enticement: prompt!fic, enticement: established relationship!fic, fic: numb3rs, category: one-shot collection: tl&soi, enticement: makeout!fic, genre: het, category: one-shot, rating: e, pairing: charlie/amita, genre: romance, character: numb3rs: amita ramanujan, fandom: numb3rs

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