I Know You Know (But You're Not Telling the Truth)

Dec 26, 2009 15:51

Title: I Know You Know (But You're Not Telling the Truth)
Fandoms: Psych/Criminal Minds
Rating: eT
Characters: Shawn, Reid
Warnings: attempted commission of an indeterminate felony, actual commission of a very determinate felony
Genres: Gen, Humor, Crossover
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 1192
Disclaimer: I own neither Criminal Minds ( Read more... )

fandom: crossover: psych/criminal minds, genre: crossover, rating: et, genre: gen, category: one-shot, character: psych: shawn spencer, enticement: reveal!fic, fic: psych, character: criminal minds: spencer reid, fic: criminal minds, genre: humor

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sgflutegirl December 30 2009, 00:55:57 UTC
Awesome!! I really wish that the two characters could really meet, but I guess fic will have to do. I love both shows and I've often thought of crossing them over as well.


windscryer December 30 2009, 21:47:21 UTC
Guh, I know, right? They're both SO ADORABLE!!!! *dies*

LOL I wasn't expecting this. I didn't think CM was going to be a fic-fandom for me, but, uh, yeah. Total plot bunny. Woke up and it was gnawing on my brain. :D

And I had more fun than I expected with this. I may have to try a longer story next time. :D

Thanks for the comment! :D


sgflutegirl December 30 2009, 23:49:24 UTC
There are so many possibilities. I've even contemplated writing something.


windscryer January 10 2010, 21:53:56 UTC
Srsly. ZOMJ It would be win.



sgflutegirl January 10 2010, 21:55:23 UTC
I've gotta write this serial killer fic first. There isn't any room for anything else in my brain right now. LOL


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