Lone Wolf [3/3]

Jan 19, 2008 00:00

Title: Lone Wolf
Series: Dog Eat Dog
Rating: T
Characters/Pairings: Lassie, Juliet/Shawn, Gus
Warnings: Character death, violence, vile trickery
Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance, Het, Humor, Suspense
Chapters: 3
Completed: Yes
Word count: 815 this part
Disclaimer: If I owned this you'd all be *ded* after watching this on screen. Sadly, I don't so you'll have to do with the pictures in your heads. :(
Notes: For the Psychfic Ficathon '08. My theme was 'action' and my prompt 'catharsis'.

Summary: "Everyone has a price, Jules. I'm sorry."

1 2 3

"Game over. Blue Team annihilated. Red Team wins."

A smack of palm against pavement rang out and then Juliet's voice came soon after.

"Shawn! What was that? You shot me!"

There was a pained release of breath that was obviously Shawn being assaulted in some manner. Silently Lassiter cheered his partner on.

"I didn't want to, Jules," he protested. "Lassie gave me no choice when he dragged you into it."

And that was his cue to join in. Tired as he was, he wasn't taking the blame for this.

"Think again, Spencer," he said and opened his eyes, pushing up from the ground. "You're the one that turned on us."

Around them the rest of the dead and dying were reappearing as everyone headed back to the exit to turn in their gear and head to the pavilion where lunch was being cooked.

He had no idea how Shawn had convinced Karen and Chief Roberts to switch out their annual Fire/Police baseball game for a round of no-holds-barred paintball, but it appeared that everyone was pleased with the change. Though the firefighters were enjoying their victory a lot more than the cops were their defeat . . .

"Yeah," Juliet said, smacking Shawn's leg. He flinched and pulled it out of reach, standing up a moment later and offering her a hand.

"I told you, Jules, everyone has a price."

"Really," she said as she accepted the help. "What's yours?"

Shawn didn't answer immediately, his eyes searching Juliet's face.

"Shawn?" Her brow furrowed, her gaze going flat. "What did they offer you?"

"Um." He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand until she slapped his shoulder.

"Spill. Now."

"Two box seats to the Dodgers/Marlins game."

Her eyes narrowed further.

"Dodgers and Marlins you say?"

He grinned and nodded. "And a pair of dugout passes too. I thought that maybe since you like the Marlins so much-"

She grinned brilliantly, her whole face lighting up at the prospect. "I'd love to!"

His grin went nuclear in intensity, then dimmed to a nervous glow.

"So . . . my killing you to get them-"

"Don't worry about it, Shawn," she soothed, putting a hand on his chest and leaning in. "It's just a game."

His grin flared again. "Sweet. There's this great little hamburger place, Tommy's Original Hamburger, that has a killer Chili Burger-"

She nodded and then turned.

"Hey, Carlton, you like chili on your burger?"

He considered a second-and then stretched it out a moment more to savor the shock and dismay on Spencer's face.

"I've never tried it. But I'm game for a new experience."

She grinned. "Great! Me too! Thanks, Shawn!" she said, turning back. "You're the best." She patted his arm, then bent to pick up her gun and sling it over her shoulder.

"I saw you take out Envers and Brightside," she said, coming over to join him. "Nice work."

He shrugged and gave her a smile as he fell into step with her. "They weren't watching their backs. It was hardly a challenge."

"Oh don't be modest, Carlton. You nailed them and they never even saw you coming."

Shawn watched them walk away, still glued in place by what had just happened.

Gus came up, scowl etched firmly into his face.

"Shawn, what was that? You shot me!"

Shawn didn't look away from the departing duo.

"Dude, Jules is taking Lassie to the game instead of me!"

Gus frowned, followed his friend's gaze, then looked back.

"What? What game?"

"The Dodgers/Marlins game I got tickets to for helping the firefighters. She totally ditched me!"

Gus regarded his friend with an arched eyebrow. "You sold us out for a pair of baseball tickets?"

"With dugout passes, dude! Dugout passes!"

Gus snorted. "Gee," he said dryly. "I can't imagine why she wouldn't want to go with you."

The sarcasm penetrated Shawn's disbelief and he looked at Gus.

"You think she took it personally when I killed her?"

Gus rolled his eyes and started towards the exit.

"Is that a yes?" Shawn asked.

Gus just kept walking.

Shawn scrunched up his nose and considered, then shrugged and bent to pick up his gun. He straightened and checked it out, setting the safety, then recalled the way Jules looked in her fatigues and body armor and grinned.

"The day wasn't a total loss," he murmured, slipping the pistol into the thigh holster on his right side.

And there was always next year, he reminded himself. Besides, the game wasn't for another two weeks. That was plenty of time to grovel and charm her into rethinking who she wanted to take with her.

With that happy thought in mind he headed for the exit and lunch.


Well this is the end of THIS story. There are, however, other endings to this tale out there. It's like CLUE!

*loves Tim Curry*

ficathons: psychfic: ficathon '08, genre: action/adventure, 'verse: dog eat dog, warnings: violence, genre: het, character: psych: shawn spencer, category: multi-chapter, genre: romance, character: psych: burton 'gus' guster, enticement: whump: gun shot, team: shules, fandom: psych, genre: humor, character: psych: carlton lassiter, rating: t, team: psych, genre: suspense, enticement: whump: hostage, fic: psych, pairing: shules, category: series, character: psych: juliet o'hara

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