Nov 28, 2005 20:38
How old are you? 15
Whats your educational status? Freshman
Where do you go to school? Pigeon Forge High School
Where do you work? NO WHERE!!!
Where do u live? Pigeon Forge . . . Wears Valley
Where do you hang out? Everywhere?
How is your hair style? It's . . . fine?
Do you wear braces? no
Do you wear glasses?Yes
Who is your best friend? I have many.
Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend: No one
Who is your celebrity crush: I don't have one.
Who is your real life crush: I'd rather NOT say.
How many piercings do you have? Zero and a half.
How many tattoos do you have? None
What is your favorite band? The Beatles
What is your biggest fear? Swimming in wellness. lol
Have you smoked a cigarette?: Nope
Have u been drunk/high?: Nope.
Are You a virgin: Yes.
Name on your birth certificate: Samuel Joseph Freeman
Date of birth: November 17, 1990
Place of birth: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Parents names: Mark Douglas Freeman, Ann Elizabeth Lemoine (Freeman)
Parents ages: Mom: 50 Dad: 52
Any older siblings?: Drew and Carrie.
_10 Years Ago_
How old were you? 5
Which sibling did you get along with best? Drew
Which parent did you prefer? My mom
Did you have any pets? Prissy
Who was your teacher? Mrs. Myers.
How were your grades? . . . Kindergarden . . . exeptionally wonderful.
Who was your best friend? Mitch
Where did you live? Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
What kind of music were you listening to? Elvis and other fifties-sixties works, due to the theatre my dad owned.
Favourite toys? Tape recorder, nintendo
Favourite movie? Disney stuff
What's your most prevalent memory? Backwards day at school. We had recess first, which made me happy and we had two snacks that day. AND! We wore our pajamas to school.
_5 Years Ago_
How old were you? 10
Which sibling did you get along with best? Carrie only lived with us. So I guess her.
Which parent did you prefer? Mom
Did you have any pets? Prissy
Who was your teacher? Mrs. Mcgough
How were your grades? Awesomely awesome
Who was your best friend? James Gardner, CJ Drozd, Emily Onorato, and Jen Knox.
Where did you live? Shamong, New Jersey.
What sort of music were you listening to? Radio stuffs and eighties.
Favourite movie? The Narnia vidoes. (The old ones)
Were you drinking, doing drugs, smoking? No. I was kinda ten
Most prevalent emotion? Homesick, but still happy.
What's your most prevalent memory? The morning walks to the bus with Kelly.
_4 Years Ago_
How old were you? Eleven
Did you have any pets? Prissy
Who was your teacher? : Mr. Nichols
How were your grades? As, Bs
Who was your best friend? Jessi, Andrea, Molly, Jordan and Jared . . .
Where did you live? Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
What sort of music were you listening to? Eighties and getting into Rock.
Favourite movie? I don't remember. Prolly Harry Potter.
Where you drinking, doing drugs, smoking? No . . .
Most prevalent emotion? Relieved to be back, and happy
What your most prevalent memory? Lots o' stuff. Prolly the time I dragged Andrea on Tennessee Tornado.
Did you have preschool? Yes.
One year or two? One.
Did you enjoy it? Yeah, but we had to fricken whisper all the time.
Could you spell your name by then? Well, that's what I was there for, so yeah.
Could you buckle your cordoroy overalls? I didn't have any, but I bet you I could have.
Were you an emo crybaby? Uh . . . no.
Did you have show and tell? YES!!
What did you bring? A train thingy my dad gave me.
Did you hate the schoolbus? I didn't have one.
Did you ever scream and cry and grab for your mom? Haha. No.
Did you have a kids tv show themed backpack? No.
Were you afraid of the bathroom? No.
Do you remember the field trips? YES!!
Do you remember ANYTHING about kindergarten? Yeah
_1st Grade_
Did you memorize all those stupid clapping songs? Yep. I still know them, too.
Are you still chummy with your friends from first grade? Most of them yeah.
What kind of people did they turn out to be? Like me.
What was your playground ritual? Climb the giant flowers. And slide. And swing, of course.
Moment of glory? First grade. Nothing special happened.
Ever pee yourself? No
Were you an early bloomer or a late bloomer? First grade. No one was mature, yet. Right?
_2nd Grade_
Love or loathe story time? Loathe!!
Did you sneak some of your snack out of your desk before snacktime? We did't have snack time!
Who were your best friends? Casper, Chelsea Rutledge, Cody Smith
Girl/Boy Scouts? NOPE!
_3rd Grade_
Was third grade a short year to you? No. It was freaking long.
Did you feel like a big shot finally being in elementary school? We were in middle school in third grade.
Ever pick on anybody? No.
Were you picked on? No.
Were you a bookworm or an anti-reader? Neither, really. I read and liked it, but I never read all the time.
_4th Grade_
What was the worst trouble you got into in 4th grade? I never did.
Best friends..same or different? I dunno. They're in NJ
Were the field trips satisfactory? No. We had one and it was to the aquarium
How was your first encounter with the nurse about puberty? Uh . . . I didn't go to the nurse . . .
Did girls still have cooties? No. I always hung out with girls.
_5th Grade_
Did you pick on the younger kids? No
What was your style? Nothing special. Just wore clothes.
What was your favorite color? Orange
Is your haircolor the same as it was in fifth grade? Yeah.
Who was your favorite musician? I dunno.
Were you good with book reports? HECK YES!
What did you do at recess? Had band instead of recess
Were you liked/popular? I had a lot of friends, yes.
Were you a rebel or a conformist? I was a LEADER of the conformists, man.
_6th Grade_
Was being at the bottom of the food chain again totally nerve racking? I wasn't . . .
How were those awkward preteen years? Gross.
Were you ever picked on? Nope.
What did you care about most? Grades and family.
_7th Grade_
How were your grades in the 7th, better or worse? Smae.
Did anything change for you in 7th? Well, I started thinking more . . .
Pick up any activities? Drama?
Pick on the 6th graders? Nope.
Befriend the 8th graders? Heck yes.
_8th Grade_
Top of the food chain once again! Eh . . . coulda been better. I like being around older people.
Did you hang out with the older kids? Well . . . we were the oldest, see . . .
How were your grades? Same as always.
Were you a popular kid? Sure.
Did you enjoy 8th grade? Eh . . . kinda.
_9th Grade_
Were you afraid of upperclassmen? No. They are awesome and are most of the time, more of my friend then anyone else ever was.
Were you friends with any older kids? I am, yes.
Were you stylin? . . . come again?
Did you think you knew it all? I don't know it all, no.
Did your parents suck? No. They're too old. I MEAN NO!
Do they still? No.
The end of the wierd quiz