It's a good thing we have now another lizard crawling through the corridors, or I would've forgotten about him entirely. So this is more for me to remind me that Miss Shîel has pet lizard.
Name: Zeke
Kind: Lizard (shocker lizard, but not exactly like those described in the Monster Manual. My version.)
Age: Roughly six years or so, she's had him for quite some time
Appearance: He's about seven inches tall (head to toe) and his tail is about five inches. Zeke is blue with purple streaks, I think, brown-reddish eyes and a dark, yellow tongue. If he's charging his electricity (usually when he feels threatened and wants to shock someone), he glows light blue like that as well.
Personality: Zeke loves warm places and he likes to explore his surrounding to look for those warm places. He comes from a warm, rather tropical climate and the weather in St. Catherine's is usually a lot colder than he's used to. His favourite places are radiators, in bed when it's night or slipping between the breasts of a young, warm-bodied girl. He's especially fond of those who also wear a bra, since that gives him something to lie on. He's not exactly skittish, and he's a rather good-natured pet, though if he feels threatened, he'll charge up the electricity and shock his attacker.
Special points: Most of the time, Zeke appears just as any other normal lizard, although maybe in slightly different colours. He has a defensive mechanism, though, that allows him to shock possible attackers. If he feels threatened, there will be first the faint tingling sensation in the air, as a warning. If the attacker pursues, a second warning follows in the form of a light shock. If the attacker still doesn't break off his pursuit, a lethal shock may follow. Though he usually considers predators (cats, certain birds, that kind of stuff) as attackers. It will happen rarely that he'll feel the need to attack a human.
Finally, Zeke may be a magical beast, but he's still an animal and cannot talk like humans do. He only speaks lizard-language, though he can understand what Era says to him. Up to a point.