May 20, 2035 12:08

Welcome to windroars, an account that is henceforth to be used for any fanworks and roleplay information I decide should be here. You will not find any personal entries here because I will not be making anymore. If you would like to contact me for personal things, however, feel free to do so through PMs, IMs, or Plurk.

Hopefully from now on I can keep things cleaner and better managed.


Internet Handle: Wind (windlily on ffnet)
Formerly: zoldyck_fan
Communities: arrr_bleach_fic, windswepticons
Age: 21
Occupation: Extremely stressed art student now looking for a job.
Current Excuse for Slacking: Job searching.


Fandom Focus: Major Bleach bias, Hunter x Hunter wherever I can fit it in
Genre Focus: General/Adventure/Suspense, though I do occasionally try my hand at Romance
Current Status: Contemplating giving TIW an epilogue; Trying to solidify plot for Fragile

Stories In Progress: The Narcissus || Reaching the halfway mark
Dead Man Walking || So very behind
Saints and Sinners || Hey, at least I started it
Stories I've Started: Hollow-ed Halls || Two chapters
God Complex || One chapter
Fragile || One chapter
Throw Away Your Television || One chapter


Games: adstringendum and gargleblasted
Current Status: On hiatus at GB. Tagging stalled due to LJ and holidays.


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